well i guess i'll put in my two cents...
i work at a nine hole muncipal course that charges $14 at the most all day green fees (thats on weekends before 12) after 12 on anyday its $10. and you pay once and can walk as much as you'd like after that. the cart fee is $6 per nine hole. blacksburg is a college town so we get lots of college kids. i personally think that we probably get some of the worst kinds of golfers. actually the other day we had a guy come in to fix one of our carts and he decided to check all the other and 7 of our 24 carts were broken. the back frame was either bent/cracked, almost assuredly from recklessness.
that being said, those people need somewhere to play...what my course does is they have a get into golf program which teaches people the basics of the game and stuff like that, hoping that they come back and can at least somewhat play.
so basically my conclusion is no, there shouldnt be a test, if anything get more marshalls or encourage regulars to get the extra mile in keeping the course up (repairing more than just your own ball mark, etc) or give free drinks, people always love free stuff.