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  1. Thanks for the reply! Yes, I agree, it's doubtful I'm as accurate as I think in lining up the line on the ball. It feels like I'm more accurate this way vs. the alternative of trying to line it without this aid. I appreciate the feedback and think I will give the edel fitting a go. Do you have an opinion on where someone should be as far as confidence in having a good putting stroke in place before going in for a fitting?
  2. So many Edel threads, sorry for another! I have an Edel fitter very near me and have strongly been considering going there. Putting is the worst part of my game - I know most of that is me, but confidence in equipment couldn't hurt I figure. I've done a ton of google searching on the topic, and I keep coming back to one thing I can't figure out. It seems a lot of the process is to fix the aiming, getting the putter to aim straight based on what you're seeing. Using seemore as an example (not because I'm considering seemore, but because I saw a seemore vs. edel thread that made me think of this), I'm trying to figure out why my aiming method wouldn't work well/better/comparable to the edel model. I never fool myself into thinking I'm aiming straight at the hole just by standing over the putt and looking at the hole from the side. I simply place my ball with the aiming line pointed at the hole/line, and then square the putter with the alignment line lined up exactly to the line on my ball and try to square myself up to the line on the ball. Looking at the hole to aim at the point is almost irrelevant (in my mind). Say I had a seemore, if I line up the putter head with the ball based on this method, wouldn't I have to be square to my intended line to hide their dot? I'm sure there's way more to it than that, but interested in thoughts. Also, if I did an Edel fitting, would they want me to aim without the alignment aid on the ball, so that they can see my natural tendencies without that, or would they have me aim how I normally would? If they didn't want me to use some ball alignment method, would my putter then be off if I did use that method on the course and aimed differently? I'm on the edge of booking an appointment, just not quite there yet?
  3. Hi all, Newer to the forum and sorry if this has been discussed before. This is my first year taking golf seriously (taking lessons, playing at least weekly, etc.). I've learned a lot about the golf swing and made big strides. I've ordered the 5SK dvds and am strongly considering evolvr lessons. I feel the worst part of my game relative to others at my handicap level is putting. Although all golf swings are unique, most here would agree that there's certain things about good swings that are common, weather that be the 5 simple keys or any other definition you look at. My question is, is that also true for putting? Is there certain traits all good putters have in common. I seem to struggle when I think too much about things I've read about putting. For example, the take back and follow through being the same length. I start thinking about that, and then my distance control seems to suffer. I seem to putt best when I don't think about anything except rolling it to the hole without regard to form/grip/follow through distance/etc. However, long term, would I be better off with some "keys" to follow for the putting stroke vs. just going by feel? I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I went to a local shop to try some out, and I do like the feel. Actually liked the #7 better than the #1 to my surprise. Found a good deal on one of the newer tank #7 cruiser models and pulled the trigger. Will report back with thoughts.
  5. Great, thanks! Does anyone have thoughts on the traditional Tank models vs. the Odyssey Works tank models? Some reviews I've seen seem to say the Works models don't truly have any additional counter weight, just extra shaft with a super stroke grip.
  6. Newb question, what is the difference between the different styles of counterbalanced putters like #1 vs #7? Is the 7 more for sbst strokes like traditional putters, or is that not the case with counterbalanced? I'm thinking of trying one of these but like the #1 better visually, so wanted to check as I do have more of a sbst stroke. Thanks!
  7. Sorry to jump in here with a basic question, but is opening the club face and then regripping what one would do you trying to hit a push draw? I've read other info on this sight about how to draw a ball, but I don't remember seeing anything about opening the face at address, so was just curious if that's what this is in reference too. I do have a draw, but I struggle with starting it out far enough right, so maybe this is my missing key.
  8. I started out with a set of clone clubs from Pinemeadow. I've since replaced everything, but I have yet to find a hybrid that I can hit anywhere near as well as the ones that came with that set. It's the Command model. It's one of there older models now, but nothing I've tried compares for me. I even ordered a couple extra to have out of fear they'd stop making them at some point since it's an older model for them.
  9. Thanks. I didn't look up any factors, didn't even know they existed. Just by reading reviews, one or two of them stated that the X Hots fall in the GI category, while the X2 Hots fall in the Max GI category. Maybe I do have it backwards based on the ratings you're seeing though.
  10. First time poster. Really appreciate this forum for all the great info! I just got into golf last year and have a set of clone clubs I'm looking to upgrade. Started out shooting in the 110 - 115 range, have taken some lessons, and am now shooting in the mid 90's. Looking to upgrade the clones and have swung some different options. As the title suggests, I'm really interested in some of the Callaway game improvement irons. Anyone have any thoughts between these two? The reviews I've read say the X2 are longer, more forgiving, etc. However, it looks like the X Hot are in the GI category and the X2 Hot are in the SGI category, do I have that right? I know, I shouldn't get too caught up in categories, but I'm wondering if this is the reason why the X2 Hot are more forgiving. I'm wondering if the X Hot are maybe a little less forgiving but may be a better option for a better player or something I can grow into? I appreciate any thoughts!
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