So many Edel threads, sorry for another!
I have an Edel fitter very near me and have strongly been considering going there. Putting is the worst part of my game - I know most of that is me, but confidence in equipment couldn't hurt I figure. I've done a ton of google searching on the topic, and I keep coming back to one thing I can't figure out. It seems a lot of the process is to fix the aiming, getting the putter to aim straight based on what you're seeing. Using seemore as an example (not because I'm considering seemore, but because I saw a seemore vs. edel thread that made me think of this), I'm trying to figure out why my aiming method wouldn't work well/better/comparable to the edel model. I never fool myself into thinking I'm aiming straight at the hole just by standing over the putt and looking at the hole from the side. I simply place my ball with the aiming line pointed at the hole/line, and then square the putter with the alignment line lined up exactly to the line on my ball and try to square myself up to the line on the ball. Looking at the hole to aim at the point is almost irrelevant (in my mind). Say I had a seemore, if I line up the putter head with the ball based on this method, wouldn't I have to be square to my intended line to hide their dot? I'm sure there's way more to it than that, but interested in thoughts.
Also, if I did an Edel fitting, would they want me to aim without the alignment aid on the ball, so that they can see my natural tendencies without that, or would they have me aim how I normally would? If they didn't want me to use some ball alignment method, would my putter then be off if I did use that method on the course and aimed differently? I'm on the edge of booking an appointment, just not quite there yet?