Its nice to be back in the Trap....
i ve been delving deep into S&T for the last 6 weeks .
What prompted it was the horror of seeing my head go to the RT and up on the backswing and the frustration of not being able to correct that with my old swing method.
I think this was the main reason for my lack of consistency .
Not getting weight across to the Left i think is a major cause of poor golf for many of us.
As the 'head still' is a key requirement of S&T i got into this with the help of the S&T book by the Plummer and Bennet and the many youtube vids by teachers who advocate this methodology.
It hasnt been easy .
Total adoption of the methodology is required I feel.
The posture and backswing are so different and feel weird .
The downswing requires very special attention too.
But damn it works !
Not always of course, but i can now strike irons much better without any loss of distance .
The driver works well too.
It is a swing that promotes a draw or push draw as they seem to call it
There are some weird bits , like opening the face slightly so as to allow the path to start right before the draw kicks in .
I have seen some vids that instruct how to get the fade but i have not got into them .
Some bits about achieving the fade are counterintuitive, for me anyway ! .
But fundamentally it works and is a nice way to play this very difficult game.
The system has been around about 15 years now and the guys who were early adopters are past their prime now.
Are there any young players on Tour that use S&T?