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  • Index: 18.9
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. EMiller


  2. I think this statement just changed my life! The thought of keeping the right palm facing outwards helps keep lag rather than trying to have " active wrists" similar to swinging a tennis raquet. This also prevents casting. I don't care how hard you trying to swing in-out if you're casting the face is coming out-in.
  3. Found this picture earlier. I'm going to try holdig a tee in my mouth to let me know when I shift my head. Also I don't know what's up with my avatar because that's not me...
  4. Meanwhile Tiger... [VIDEO]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ[/VIDEO]
  5. Hard to to disagree with stats. But I have to agree that Rory with fall into the same issues that Tiger has experienced. I think Jordan has a better attitude and damage control. Rory has more blow up holes it seems like, but then again he's also been in the spotlight longer.
  6. Thanks man will do!
  7. I'm also doing this for a journal of what I've worked on. Not just so everyone can reiterate that I've still got the same issues:-P. The flared feet helped quite a bit And thebshorterned backswing. I just need to get accustomed to them. As far as posting else where, I have in a couple of thread where I felt I knew something on the subject. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
  8. Well in working on #4 and #5 my contact became poor. [VIDEO]https://youtu.be/cOYzPymYLY0[/VIDEO] Anyways any update. Sorry about the poor video on the 7 iron behind and no driver behind. I was still trying to fogire out my angles with my phone clipped to an alignment rod. I was hitting a lot of pushs now and I think I'm trying to swing too hard. Let me know what you all think.
  9. Sorry should've been -2 degrees because I was hitting on the heal thus producing a fade.
  10. So I've been reading over 5Sk and I have one major question. Which key do I start on or do I try to learn them all at once? I know I have #3 down because i take a divot in front of the ball thanks to the impact zone. That would also line me up perfect with my 20 handicap.
  11. No keep it up man! I've been snooping around this site for awhile. You're just cutting down my snooping time and increasing my reading. So thanks!
  12. Thanks man! So to up date I went to a titlest demo today. Actually got some fitting for the first time ever. The old guy seemed to know what he was doing and told me i was casting on my downswing. So it brought to my mind that I hit it inconsistantly when I try to control my hands. Anyone have any reccomendations on drills to help this? As far as the fitting went the lie showed that I was better off at +2 degrees lie and an x-stiff instead of a regular.
  13. Okay those were two huge break throughs. The first in my grip i had been using the short thumb and really losing control at the top a good portion of the time. So using the long thumb I no longer feel like I'm losing the club. Second, I was a big believer in Hogan's five lessons. However, after reading what you said I decided to look at hogan's actual swing And he's feet are in the duck walking position rather than his back foot perpendicular being and front foot turned out.
  14. After reading the steady head drill and taking the recommendation to look at another players backswing I found this similarity
  15. [VIDEO]https://youtu.be/vjHr5ibXzLQ[/VIDEO] Here's an update from tonight. I only got a 7 iron filmed before the storms came in. Anyone have recommendations on filming besides having my girlfriend hold my phone?
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