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Ok, so your at the range, your in a groove, all is going great, your consistently putting you pw 135. What we need to understand is that 135 is actually more like our best shot, not our average, due to the fact that we're at the range and in that groove, think about it, your hitting great and only getting it to 135, what are the odds your gonna get up to a green with only 1 shot and not in that groove and hit it great? Very slim, right? Do yourselves a favor and take the club for the yardage to the back of the green, then, if by chance you hit it great then your only at the back of the green, but odds are you won't hit it great so maybe that brings you back to center green, or at worse front green. Watch for this pattern next time you play, you will notice many players coming up short.
Hey, i know its gonna sound ridiculously simple, but i have a cure that will help almost every slicer, without ever touching your swing. Here we go, simply move the ball further away from you, set up as normal, then move ball out about a club head length, now when you swing you will be able to extend when you get to impact, you can also move it up even just left of your left foot, this will train you to shift your weight better to the left. if you wanna hit it the ball far and straight, you have to extend your arms through impact, if it's too close to you, then you can't extend at the proper point, which is why we extend early, at the top, now in order to get the club back to the ball we have to get our body out of the way, so we stand up, in a last ditch attempt to hit the ball we fall backwards. I know this is gonna seem much too simple a fix but i promise you it will work, i have shown quite a few people and it has turned their games around, you will soon be able to draw the ball too! This also works the same with irons. I prefer to move the ball forward as well as out because it really helps me shift forward better, just remember not to open your shoulders, you can even start with club in its normal position and have ball up a few inches. This tip will help develop a flatter in to out swing. Give it a shot guys and let me know what you think. You have nothing to lose and I'm not trying to get you to change anything in your swing.
Hey, i know its gonna sound ridiculously simple, but i have a cure that will help almost every slicer, without ever touching your swing. Here we go, simply move the ball further away from you, set up as normal, then move ball out about a club head length, now when you swing you will be able to extend when you get to impact, you can also move it up even just left of your left foot for driver, irons up to inside left foot where your told to put it for driver, this will train you to shift your weight better to the left. if you wanna hit it the ball far and straight, you have to extend your arms through impact, if it's too close to you, then you can't extend at the proper point, which is why we extend early, at the top, now in order to get the club back to the ball we have to get our body out of the way, so we stand up, in a last ditch attempt to hit the ball we fall backwards. I know this is gonna seem much too simple a fix but i promise you it will work, i have shown quite a few people and it has turned their games around, you will soon be able to draw the ball too! This also works the same with irons. I prefer to move the ball forward as well as out because it really helps me shift forward better, just remember not to open your shoulders, you can even start with club in its normal position and have ball up a few inches. This tip will help develop a flatter in to out swing. Give it a shot guys and let me know what you think. You have nothing to lose and I'm not trying to get you to change anything in your swing.
Hey, i know its gonna sound ridiculously simple, but i have a cure that will help almost every slicer, without ever touching your swing. Here we go, simply move the ball further away from you, set up as normal, then move ball out about a club head length, now when you swing you will be able to extend when you get to impact, you can also move it up even just left of your left foot, this will train you to shift your weight better to the left. if you wanna hit it the ball far and straight, you have to extend your arms through impact, if it's too close to you, then you can't extend at the proper point, which is why we extend early, at the top, now in order to get the club back to the ball we have to get our body out of the way, so we stand up, in a last ditch attempt to hit the ball we fall backwards. I know this is gonna seem much too simple a fix but i promise you it will work, i have shown quite a few people and it has turned their games around, you will soon be able to draw the ball too! This also works the same with irons. I prefer to move the ball forward as well as out because it really helps me shift forward better, just remember not to open your shoulders, you can even start with club in its normal position and have ball up a few inches. This tip will help develop a flatter in to out swing. Give it a shot guys and let me know what you think. You have nothing to lose and I'm not trying to get you to change anything in your swing.
I agree about the longer clubs, im no different than most of us, ya sure, i can get in the groove at range with them, but when it comes down to that one shot, when the pressures on, we all know what happens, fortunately my big mis is usually just a thin shot so it stays fairly straight and still gets good distance, but it sure didnt feel good. I have dropped my 3iron for the adams pro dhy and found some pretty good results. However, i keep getting this nagging thing in my head saying to break down and give the single iron theory a shot, you know, like bryson dechambuea where all the irons are the same lenght. Anybody on here ever given it a shot?
I dont know bout the rest of you, but im pretty sick of being bombarded by the industry with all this so called new technology! Are the clubs out there that can help us, sure, but that help is so minimal that most of us will never even notice. I saw a video of a pga pro hitting drivers from today, the 80's, and the 30's, the distance gaps were very minimal, the biggest change in golf has been the ball, that was the conclusion of the test. For me, i no longer play with these adjustable clubs, i do too much tinkering going by whats working for me that day, then tomorrow comes and i end up adjusting again, idk i think i just rather have an old school driver, then when its not going right i know its me. Now, there is something that will help us dramatically, being fit for the right shaft! when you do get fit, go in warmed up, and try to honestly swing like you would on the tee box, so, if your tendency is to swing for the fences then go for it, and let them keep giving you shafts till you find one that can handle what your trying to do! Go through as many as you can, try different flexes, torque, tip stiffness, etc. and make them explain each one to you, they will tire of you, but thats because their so accustomed to throwing stock stuff in peoples hands and sending them on their way, knowing you will be back soon because you probably wont find the results your looking for. I say, your paying for that fitting, why not put thier expertise to the test! Never lose site of the fact that they're salespeople and want that commission. I've gone a few times for fittings and i'm sure they hate me because i tell them straight up, look, i'm paying $50-$125 for this fitting, i wanna be fit right, and no, i will not be purchasing from you, things are generally half the cost online! Or even more than half! For instance, for my set, with my set-up, shafts, lie, grips, etc. they want like $1,800, lol! I'm in just over $600 online! Also, if your being fit for irons, ask to hit more shots on lie board, hopefully we all know now that those mats can lie to us, i find the lie board helps me at least feel like there are going to be consequences for a mis-hit. I also would say, for a lot of people, we're going way too light with our clubs, i think unless you have a really slow swing speed, excellent rythym, maybe physical limitations, go heavier, i got caught up in the frenzy too! And my game suffered. I've since gone back to heavier shafts and its a world of difference! Anyway, guess my bottom line is, dont be a sucker, get fit, and if needed get some lessons! Now im sure theres gonna be some moderator or something who chimes in here with some chart or something, they always seem to, but im talking from real world experience, and my only intention is to help my fellow golfers out! I care less about your charts and graphs and standardized garbage, golf is an individual game and we all have idiosyncrasies and tendencies that are our own!
Another great flaw i see isn't a swing flaw, it's a head flaw before we grab the club, i myself have been guilty of this too, but when I realized it, and changed my thinking, it changed my game drastically! I'm talking about clubbing up. We all do it, we get in a rythym at the range, we're hitting our pw say 140, we get ourselves believing thats our number, unfortunately, when we use that number on the course we fall well short, or severely off line because we're trying too hard, when your body isn't in that range rythym and there's consequences to the shot it's quite a different result, we have to be honest with ourselves out there in evaluating the situation, we have to understand where the trouble is and what our probability is of the shot judging by past course examples, not range numbers. For me, ya on range i hit my pw 140 all day long, but on course i find it falls comfortable and consistent around 125-130, so when i step up to that 135 shot over water with say 125 to clear, i go to 9iron, i know any mis-hit with pw is gonna be short and possibly roll back down bank, but a slight mis-hit with 9 will still get there, and if i happen to tag it oh well, its at back of green. Anyway, i see it all day long where people come up short, and most of us are not that great where we get up and down consistently, so why put that pressure on, just club up! Another thing i see is way too many of us use way too lofted clubs on short pitches and chips, go as low as you can and watch the score go down too! I promise you, if you club up and work on less loft around greens you will shave some serious strokes, just think about how often your short and how often you flub that lob wedge. Say your short 6 times, more than likely thats 6 bogeys, maybe worse, now add say 3 flubbed wedges, thats giving away 9 strokes and it could've been prevented. Maybe if we really evaluate our games we would build more confidence just from knowing we're not as bad as we think, we just make poor decisions. These simple pre-swing thoughts can help take you from say a 20hndcp to a 10 real fast!
Funny thing, my dad has it all, he's only 65, but man is he stubborn, he's so set in his ways it's impossible to get him to change, i get it's natural to sway back, i guess in an attempt to find more power, but reality is that doesnt work, from the moment he grabs the club with his white knuckles and his shoulders pop open it's clear we're in trouble, he claims he's old and cant hit far enough, but the truth is he's in pretty good shape for his age and with no major limitations, i have got him to hit a few good ones occasionally so we know he can do it, it's just impossible to get him to carry those thoughts to the tee, he gets right back into that "i have to murder this ball" mentality, you can see that he's already trying to get back to the ball before the club is even hip high. The most complexing thing is, he loves to play, we play every week, he refuses to try and get better, but yet gets so disgusted each and every round. I'm grateful that i can be out there with my dad but man, i just wish we could get him to have more fun and ease up a little. He's one of those that we know he can hit a 7iron 150, but has so little confidence that he uses a 5wood depending on his poor swing to come through, and it usually doesnt when you want it to. Oh well, guess i'm rambling, anyway, ya, stubborn, swaying, and overswinging are good ones, but my impression is if the grip and setup are better maybe you won't get too out of whack during the swing, if we can just think more smooth and allow the body to work rather than letting the hands do it all maybe we start playing better, it's like they say though, golf is a game of inches, the few inches between your ears!
I try not to get too hung up on charts, if you dig deep you will see all kinds like if your a 10 hndcp you hit x amount of greens and so on, theres too many variables in golf, for instance, i generally hit more greens than it says i should, but i have way too many putts, one could maybe use them as a purely basic guideline, but clearly not the absolute rule. Maybe your swing speed says you hit your driver x distance, but how often are you hitting it flush? i do agree whole heartedly with the basic concept of the chart on playing right tees, theres no denying that a great majority of us play too far back, just think how many times you have been behind that guy that barely cleared the forward tees with his drive but is now waiting for the green to clear at 285yds, i myself seem to always be behind this group of guys, where i'm waiting for them to hit their 3rd shot before i can even tee off. You may feel like your not holding things up but the reality is you probably are, every little bit adds up, it creates a chain reaction, why do you think sometimes you go out and its 3hrs and sometimes its 5hrs, the course is the same, its just the players that are different!
No, not trying to call anyone out, just trying to help from my own experiences.
MB's Driving Accuracy Thread
daa1969 replied to Mike Boatright's topic in Instruction and Playing Tips
Best tip for hitting straighter and longer, get more loft! Too many people are going too low on loft! Today it seems the norm is 9.5, i got caught up in this trend too! I have since gone back to the 10.5 and the results are much better. You here a lot that people can hit their 3wood but not driver, y? Mostly because of loft, thats why we tend to be better when the club gets shorter. Also, be weary of these lighter shafts, for me i have found they dont work so well, maybe if you have a slower swing speed, for me just seem to really make me wild, need the weight to keep you in check. For the record my swing speed is in the 105 range. -
Well, i dont know if i would count one post as ranting! I did write another post but for some reason it didnt get posted, maybe i messed up on submit button. Anyway, i usually play from where the rest of the group is comfortable, even though i do tend to be a bit longer than most i play with, but i find its better for pace of play to go where the group is, it also gives me the chance to play more target oriented golf as opposed to grip it and rip it golf, and yes, it can be boring, but my scores do improve. I say go where you can score better, regardless of how far you hit your driver. Most people i see playing back are struggling to get past forward tees because they seem to be trying to kill the ball, and we all know the harder you try the worse it goes, the only time i go back is if thats where the group is or if its a course i play often and i just want to change things up.
Honesty! Honesty! Honesty! Your only hurting yourself if your not being honest about your distances. If you hit 10 drives on course, not range, see how they average, if you hit 4 drIves 270, 3 drives 250, and 3 drives 230, and only one of those long ones is realistically in play, but all 3 of the 250 ones were in play, and the 230 was in play but sort of a mis-hit, i would play as if your a 250 hitter, even though the majority was longer, it was inconsistent at best. The same holds true for your irons too! Just because you get in a rythym at range dont be fooled into that false hope that thats the way it is, you can hit 50 wedges and be at say 140, but when it counts on the course and you have the pressure of that one shot i can almost guarantee you will be short, happens all day long, go up a club on the course and you can pretty much be assured your scores will improve!
So, what are the most common swing flaws you see? I think the 2 i've been picking up on lately are the grip, and the transition. First let me say that i really dont feel that the average golfer is making such a bad swing because theyre try to lift the ball up, as suggested all day long by instructers, i feel its merely a result of their grip, setup, and transition. If your grip is wrong you will inevitably set up wrong, and the one i love is "i lifted my head" well, more than likely if you didnt lift your head swinging with that setup you would probably have cracked your neck somewhere like the c4-c6 vertebrae. I think the flippy hand thing often associated with try to lift the ball is more likely a poor transition, if its quick, subconsciously you will feel the head out of place and try to manuvuer it with your hands, maybe by flipping hands or perhaps gripping tighter and holding open. Anyway, if your having some trouble try to fix grip, which will help you set up better and try a much smoother transition, practice letting the club start falling on its own before you start building speed, i'm sure everyone has had those shots where your not even trying and the ball just seems to fly off the face with that smooth as butter feeling, for me, without fail, the harder i try, the worse it goes!
I dont know what to tell you, i do hit a lot of greens, regardless of what charts say, and again, here we go again questioning me about my game when i only came here for help putting, and this is from our so called supporter, he really loves to throw those charts and videos out there, do you not have an opinion or thought of your own? Oh yeah, if you other posters are interested in learning about these so called experts your listening to you should google them, isnt that right mr angry golfer? Anyway, im out of this sight, too much drama, and i know you say its me, but i have a back bone and will defend myself, problem is, i shouldnt have to, thats what your there for, to prevent this, to all the friends i made, good bye and good luck, and mr supporter, dont bother with the personal messages, im done!