To start off I’m a high handicapper who’s never broken 100 and suffer from a decent push-slice with the occasional pin straight bomb and yes I’ve taken lessons.
So I went for a driver fitting today(given as a gift) and was fit for a m6 d-type with a Tensei orange ck 60 stiff. Now I didn’t actually hit any good shots with this club but was making better general contact on the face. My path was surprisingly in to out but I couldn’t get the face to rotate unless my path became out to in in which case now I was hitting an even bigger pull hook.
I did not purchase the driver because I didn’t see any drastic improvement except more consistent contact, but I did love the feel of the shaft compared to my current shaft in my driver which I feel like I lose the club with. Would it be fair to say that most draw biased heads(rogue draw, m4 dtype, G400 sft) would be fine with the same shaft? We didn’t look at spin rates or smash factor or anything of the sort just because I guess he figured it wasn’t entirely necessary at this point(fair).
P.S my swing speed hovered around 105 and he said I hit the ball far too steep, like -6 degrees so that was killing my contact also.