Hello all ...I'm a new guy...started playing this game about 4 years ago..I was one of those naysayers who would never play golf because it was boring and for the elite yuppie snob...Well a couple of friends of mine started playing I would say 6-7 years ago and they finally talked me into playing...my uncle God rest his soul was an avid golfer who when I was about 16 showed me some basics ( grip, stance,ball placement, swing)...so when I started I was using all his 20-30 year old equipment...Taylor Made Bubble Driver and 3 wood..Ambassador (by Mac Gregor I believe irons) and and original Ping putter (which I still use)....I've upgraded since then...so when I first started playing I noticed what I learned all those years ago from uncle put me in a place with my game that was better than what my friends who had been playing for 6-7 years were doing...they were amazed that I could do what I did without a lesson ...now don'the get me wrong I wasn't anywhete near a legit golfer...but I realized none of them were either...my handicap is a legit 32-33...I've broken 100 twice..once from the whites and believe it or not once from the tips...I like playing and I'm now at a point where breaking 100 everytime is becoming a reality..but it seems there is always those one or two holes that I implode on and I will wind up with 105,106...etc...I've gotten better getting up...but now the putting factor is killing me...on in 3 on a par 4 and walk off with 6....frustrated and having a difficult time controlling my emotions at myself ( the I suck syndrome)...hoping by joining this site I can pick up some things that will help...my go to tool is Ben Hogan's 5 Lessons which has helped ...but not everyone is Ben Hogan...