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About ngremour

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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. ngremour


  2. Hi All, Having talked to a bunch of people about this, who like me, try a lot of different balls looking for the "next best thing", I have launched a website they may help fill this need. People can buy and try balls by the sleeve, mixing and matching different brands. If any of you would like to take a look and give any feedback that would be welcome (positive or negative). Buying sleeves this way may not be for everyone, but it may work for some. scoreasleeve.com thanks
  3. my local Walmart has Chrome Soft for $36/dozen. Was surprised to see them in Walmart today but hey, that's a good price.
  4. Does anyone know of any online stores where you can buy balls by the sleeve and have them shipped reasonably? I like to experiment a lot with different balls (cheapest piece of equipment to play with) and don't like committing to dozens. Local pro shop has just a few offerings by the sleeve. thanks.
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