For the love of God when is the Golf Channel going to stop showing repeats of the Big Break 3? We get it, Danielle won, it's over and (probably) so is her short lives LPGA career. Give it a rest all ready. It's like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or West Wing on Bravo or Law and Order (any version) on TNT. Everytime you turn around it on. I bet between Big Break 3, all versions of Law and Order, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and The West Wing, that you could constan;y watvh those shows for 24 hrs a day, 18hrs at least.
Can't the Golf Channel run some highlight reeels from the 1979 Masters or US Open? They seem pretty fond of Tiger, show some of his highlights. Anything but the Big Break 3 for the 2,554,651,685,532,549,986,498,521,359,721,138,543,521,545,846,913 time.
Please I beg you, I would rather watch Tom Nettles interview anyone than sit through another episode of the Big Break 3.