I can't play at the moment because I'm injured so decided to put my golf balls to use. I weighed 100 golf balls from 8 different manufacturers and here's what I found:
The better the condition of the ball, the heavier it will be on average. Poor balls weighed 45.72, average balls weighed 45.73, good balls weighed 45.8 and new balls weighed 45.93 on average.
If you play poor condition balls, you could see a weight difference of 3.3 grams from one ball to another. If you play average condition balls, they could differ up to 2.9 grams in weight from one ball to the next.
New golf balls have very little difference in weight from one ball to another with 0.1 grams difference between the new balls I weighed.
Playing balls in good condition means you’re only likely to see about a 1.1 gram difference in weight between balls.
Ball conditions were defined as:
Poor - visible damage to the point that the ball is unplayable, such as holes/cuts in the ball or sections missing.
Average - some visible damage such as small scuffs or marks but appears fine to play with.
Good - no visible damage to the ball, you can only just tell it's been used.
New - brand new golf ball never been used before.
May look to expand my data set in the future so any ideas for getting more insights are welcome!