It finally arrived and it was worth the wait. I went yesterday to the range and started first using the pbs in the short game area for an hour or so. First I did some chip shots, then bunker and then pitch shots (up to 40 yds). It worked very well for short game, giving a good feel to the correlation of the right hand, the lag and the club face position. Then I went to the range and used the pbs first with the 7 iron, the feedback was great. In the good shots the device stayed in its position and when I rushed or got too handsy (and therefore losing the lag and making a bad shot) the device would not maintain its position. I used the pbs with every club, woods and driver also. I found it to be a great piece for training. I don´t know if the pbs caused this: my regular push draws became much more straight and my very often misses (overdraws and hooks) almost dissapeared during yesterday's practice, I was even able to make some nice cut shots, which is a difficult shot for me.
PS: I use lamkin midsize grips and the pbs attaches perfectly.