If it wasn't for the family, fair comment, but to my eyes and ears Tiger's statement didn't quite do Tiger justice. But maybe I dont go for such cool mild mannered statements and soundbites. I have my opinion, you have yours.
I have high expectations for him, maybe too high , what can I say, because I've always reckoned him to be an admirable figure in the manner he has generally conducted himself during his professional career and I really hope he can live up to that for the public. As one of the worlds finest ever sportsmen, the public want him to be the finest example of a man in all respects and are disappointed if there are faults, I know no one is perfect and managing life in that spotlight is complex and challenging i'm sure. I hope he warms to the public when he returns to competition, the public will warm to him if he does.
I, and I'm sure countless others, look forward to him returning to his profession with enthusiasm and eagerness to win.