Hey guys...I am new to the forum and relativity new to golf. I am 23 yrs old and really just started playing golf over the last 4 months. I am stationed on Guam and have had a ton of time to play golf and have been playing several rounds a week, going to the driving range, watching videos, etc.
In the last two days I have had my 2 best 9 hole scores, both legit 47s. I have a set of hand me downs and have been doing a ton of research on clubs but I have a major issue...the golf stores are limited here and only have the brand new clubs, which are out of my price range right now. This means I cannot try the clubs I buy. I can have adjustments made.
The two sets that have caught my eye have been the R7s and the HiBores. I know they are quite a bit different from one another. Part of me things I will want more traditional irons, while the other part of me tells me the hybrids of the HiBores will improve my scores.
Just for some additional information: I hit my irons pretty cleanly and straight for the most part. I am overcoming the initial problem I had of topping the ball and rarely do it anymore. I am 5'7'' with what I think would be a slow swing speed. I am looking for clubs that are forgiving, but ones I will be able to "grow" into as I improve. I have improved very quickly in all areas of my game. My short game has been especially good lately, and the much more experienced golfers I play with have been completely shocked at my overall game and rapid improvement.
Thanks in advance for all of your help and the other great advice (I have been lurking for weeks)!