I couldn't play any golf for almost 4 months and it really showed. I was almost back to square 1, so I thought I should kind of start from scratch and really work on getting good fundamentals. My swing has improved. I feel a lot better and confident with how I'm swinging but... I've noticed the biggest (almost only) improvement on my wedges. In fact, today I hit my 56° a lot more distance than what I had been able to. I've never been a long hitter but they were going straight and I could score well. I know that making changes to my swing will be a case of really getting worse before it gets better. And that's ok. I am willing to put the time and effort in. But I am at a loss as to why I can hit my wedges so well and my irons so bad. Not getting any distance at all with my irons and the ball flight is consistently a push. So today I took my 60°, 56°, 52° (Cleveland CG10s, steel) and the GW from my irons (graphite Exsar IS4) which is a 50°, I hit good shots from all but the GW. With the GW, the push appears. Starting to feel a little disappointed. Could lie/loft be an issue? Any thoughts?