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About ManofManyStangs

  • Birthday 11/30/1976

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 20.0
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Go get fitted if you are even thinking of a new driver. Looks like you are standing on the wrong side of the ball. LOL. Outside in swing looks like the problem to me, but wait and see what others say.
  2. 16 clubs on my count DQ'ed!!!
  3. Thanks guys. I was hoping to break it last year, but could never get lower than a 101. I was just fitted at Golfsmith for a driver and it was a great help. Look forward to shoot in the 90s then on to break 90 by the end of the year.
  4. Shot a 94 today. First time ever under 100 took me about 13 months to do.
  5. Today was the final round of the year. Finished off the last hole with the only par out of group. First round of 2012 will be at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Happy New Years!!!!
  6. Anyone watching? Joe Miller looks like he has hit the roids harder than the driver this year.
  7. Round Robin Change team mates every 6 holes and combine scores for the 6 holes. Everyone is a team at some point in the 18 holes.
  8. Started out this year shooting 140. Played around 130 rounds this year. I am now at 102-108 per round my goal was to be under 100 by the end of the year. Hopefully the Tour Striker could help me do that.
  9. Elk destroy the greens, not only with the hoofs but their urine kills the grass.
  10. Wow I would go crazy. I have played around 120 rounds this year. Just bought me a heater or the cold weather.
  11. Sad thing is I was having a great round for my game, but got greedy. Lesson learned take an unplayable lie from now on.
  12. Yes the first shot would have been beautiful if I had not hit the fence. It's all in good fun.
  13. This past weekend hit a ball to the right of the green seen it bounce in the rough thought I could find it. Well I did and it was deep. This green backs up to a hunting reserve with elk, a few weeks ago elk got onto the green and done a lot of damage. The erected a fence around the green to keep elk off of it using the 1.5" wide fence posts, anyway here is the video. Me picking up a ball was a ball I found behind my ball.
  14. Almost in the fairway. He got about 20 yards of forward progress out of it.
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