My driver with a Regular Shaft was recently retired because I just hated how whippy it felt when I swung it. I love my friends Driver with an X-Stiff shaft, but that is beside the point. I started just hitting my three wood off of the tee because my three wood has a stiff shaft. The first three times out golfing with the three wood was wonderful, I was hitting it about 250 with occasional 270 and was hitting fairways with a slight draw. But lately I have been popping the ball up and fading it, going about 220 and not on the fairway (and this is only if I hit the ball, many more topped balls than ever before). I do not understand why this is happening. Maybe from my description, somebody will know what is happening and have a little tip. If I cannot figure it out, I might as well hit driver if I am not going to hit the fairway anyways.