My best shot that I have ever had was at Brown Deer Country club in Dallas Texas many years ago during tournament play on the 8th hole par 5. My game was screwed up from #1, it was hot, periods of light rain, my feet were wet and I was frustrated. I was the 2nd one to tee off. Drove it about 175 out and so did the rest of them. About 480 to the approach of the green with a mild dogleg to the right and another to the left. I blew my second shot big time and was very embarassed. I was in the short rough on the right next to a big tree. I short pitched out and was left with still about 200 to the approach. Everyone else was waiting to see what I was going to do. I still was almost in the middle of the dogleg left slightly downhill and had another tree to contend with. I thought 3 wood then 3 iron and bend it around a bit,maybe a 7 and lay up. I picked my 7 iron and just walked up to the ball and hit it and it was the prettiest site that I could have ever imagined. Had a perfect tail and just the right elevation and speed and at 1st I though that I ended up in the approach trap on the right but NO NO I cleared it and ended up about 2 feet beyond the cup. I putted in for par. I was the only one that made par on that hole. My game totally came together after that. IT'S A MIND SET AND I HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING MYSELF OF THAT.