Video analysis I had done not too long ago revealed that at address my hips were too far behind me at address. If you drew a line from my hip joint straight down in a down-the-line view, that line was at or behind my heels. It was the first step toward early extension in the downswing and an over-the-top path. So I've tried to get my hip joint directly over the center of my ankles at address, but every time I do this (using a mirror or video), my weight shifts toward my toes. Probably balls of feet is more accurate. I do this because if I DON'T do that I tend to 'fall forward' because my balance is shifted too far forward. Thus the balls/toes are used to compensate.
But there's so much instruction online that says do NOT have your weight as far forward as the balls of your's supposed to be evenly distributed between toes and heels.
So I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't... If I have weight in the center of my feet, then my hips are too far back (to keep me balanced). If I have the hips in the right place, then my weight is too far forward (again, to keep me balanced).
Any advice/thoughts?