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About Kip42

  • Birthday July 4

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  • Your Location
    Zoo Town MT

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  • Index: 21.9
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Used Mizuno JPX 900 3 wood. Hit it at at the sim today. Lots of adjustments to work through… it’s getting re-gripped… Me likey.
  2. Started back on the course/golfing late this last summer and having a blast. Swing is slower, patience is better. Goal 1: Bogey golf from the whites. Not ready for the senior tees yet (61). I have set up virtual range time/lessons to get through our long winter here in Montana and work on my swing with a coach. Goal 2: Continue 2x week senior fun league. Pretty lax on rules and it was my first invite late in the season this year. As we have a scorekeeper and I keep my own as well I will be submitting my score for both the league and GHIN. It’s only a $3 buy in for clubhouse goods but it’s a really fun course. League is only nine holes but there’s always 2-3 of us that play the full course. Goal 3: Continue iron only practice on a short Par 3/4 course. Super fun and need my approach (150+) and pitching to get tight as I don’t drive it long. Goal 4: Walk. Always been a walker. There are a few courses I play periodically that necessitate a cart but prefer footing it.
  3. Kip42


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