I would find a new club if the one i were a member at started allowing the public. Keep in mind...im not a member of a c.c. I grew up a member and my parents are members of one...but i am not. I can guarantee i will be however just as soon as i can afford it. Around me the public courses are full of low lives that do not rake traps, do not fix ball marks, do not fix divots, get drunk and crash carts, hit into other groups, and tear up the greens. I have never seen this behavior at a private club on that scale. Ill take a well maintained course, golfers with proper etiquette, and a generally pleasant atmosphere any day of the week. It is very frustrating for any serious golfer to deal with the "public" on the munis in my area.
That being said...im off to my local muni to battle the drunks!