Before a round I will go to the practice green and figure out my distance control for speed. I do not, like most people on the practice green, try to make putts. I go over to a side away from the holes and putt 3 balls 4 different distances. I first move my putter directly back in a line to where it lines up with my back inner foot and putt that distance 3 times, then I pace off how far the 3 balls rolled. I repeat this both up and downhill and write down the resulting paces. I then repeat this moving putter back linearly to the center of my back foot then to the outer back foot and finally to about 6in past my back foot. Then I count the paces for each one both up and downhill and record the results. Since I started this distance control way of putting I dropped 5 strokes in my scores because I rarely 3 putt anymore.When I line up a putt now I feel VERY confident that I will either make the putt or have a very makeable second putt.