I am a complete newbie: 2 lessons and hitting about 70 balls per day, 5 days per week trying to learn the previous week's lessons. This thread, and in particular, your posts are speaking to my life every morning nowadays.
I really appreciate the combination of your knowledge and writing ability. Please forgive me if my questions are answered elsewhere on this forum...I would like to read your answers to my questions if you would be so kind as to answer them for me.
1. Flipping? Does this refer to breaking my wrists near the bottom of my swing? My instructor has told me to maintain my wrist cock on the downswing. I'm assuming flipping is breaking before the ball?
2. Is flipping related to poor timing in an attempt to have a faster downswing than upswing, which all translates to trying to power up through the ball?
3. Is the ideal cure for flipping maintaining the wrist cock 2 or 4 or 6 inches past the ball?
At 2 weeks into this, today I started feeling like my posture was locking in, in much the same way as being at the position of attention in the Air Force became....something your body just locks into and you know by feel that it is right. However, and this is scary, I do ... Top Most Of Them... Only now I only top them somewhat as most go 100 yards, about 60 percent straight.
Please tell me, from what you wrote above about taking months or years to correct, what is a good plan of action to consistently move the low point forward while remaining on plane?