Dude, im only 18 years old. If i bust my ass over the next couple of years why couldnt i make it? all id have to do is qualify and im on tour, or even nationwide. Id be 20 years old, which a lot of people dont even get on tour till theyre 22 or 23. I forget what pro golfer it was, he's well known, but he didnt even make varsity on his high school golf team. I wonder how many people told him he couldnt make it and now hes on tour. I seen guys practicing at a driving range right by oakmont ( i live 5 mins away from oakmont country club) that were trying to qualify for the nationwide event by pittsburgh, and a couple of the guys didnt seem that amazing, idk why people think its so hard to go proffesional at sports, i think people are just too lazy to put in the hard hours of practice and/or have been told they can never make it so they just automatically think they cant. People arent born with amazing golf skills, you get it by working hard. And i dont care what "most kids" are doing or anything, im focused on my own game and my own life, and when people say things like what you said, it just motivates me more. So thank you. And people always want to bash people with dreams because they themselves couldnt do it, or didnt have the balls to try.
Anyways, i got a pair of cg15's, i got a 56 and a 60. The grooves are incredible on them, if you even slide your hand down it you can feel the grip. Great clubs. Its kind of irrelevant now though rating them because you cant buy them anymore. But i really love them. The spin you get with them is almost too much.