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About JackTheSmuggler

  • Birthday 11/30/1966

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  1. A few of Woods' highlights from summer 2007: He won the PGA Championship, shot 63 to match the lowest round ever recorded at a major, won four of his last five starts, shot a career-low 28 on the front nine at East Lake, trashed two tournament scoring records and moved a lot closer to being the first athlete to earn $1 billion in his career At this point to compare Phil to Tiger is almost laughable...That argument abou Tiger being the Best Ever is starting to seem a little silly too..Of course he is..Hands Down.
  2. That would be awesome...Tiger and Phil for bragging rights and the money..That would attract none golf fans as well as advertisers....That matchcup could probably be as big as Duke vs Kentucky 92
  3. One thing you cuold be just about sure of is Tiger making it to the end....As long as Tiger is there ratings will always be solid...Someone like Jason Gore taking out Tiger or Phil wouild make for huge ratings to see if the cinderella kid could go all the way..Imagine it.
  4. Why not have a big Matchplay tournament. It would be a better playoff scenerio with eliminations until it gets down to the final two..Theres a chance for everyone to start off equal and you could have seedings and everything..Brackets could even be implemented..Like college Basketball each bracket could have a #1 (ala Tiger in the Red Bracket or West Bracket) and Phil #1 in the East or Blue Bracket..etc etc.....They could have a Sweet 16 and then a Great 8 until the Final 4....down until a championship...Can you imagine Phil,Tiger,Vijay and say a cinderella like Stricker in a final 4 or Tiger having a bad day and getting upset by Stenson and eliminated...One and out is always best in playoff format..Why not bring it to the PGA tour..THINK ABOUT IT........your thoughts Oh and if your thinking about time constraints for all this golf play...Just like college basketball has March this matchplay tournement could take place over a whole month....
  5. Yes my father did play with me he just didnt wait until 40 camaras were pointed at us to do it....Phils got you fooled too huh...Awww shucks that Phil is a great ol dad aint he...YUCK!...Tiger would never do something as lame as that..What next? He brings kites to the golf course and cast off at the 18th with little curly lockes? Ive always thought it was lame for sports stars to parade their kids out in front of world...Whether it be Phil Mickelson or Allan Iverson..Its just kinda lame.
  6. I agree Phil has a very good short game (when his game is on) but Tiger has one of the greatest short games of all time. How many times has he showed it to us.
  7. I think Tiger was paid to sit out the first round and Phil to sit out the BMW so that it would come to this....Stricker is playing the part of the spoiler.
  8. I think it will take more than 3 out 4 rounds to be in Tigers league even for "right now"....How many YEARS has Tiger pounded on Phil....and now because he beats Tiger for once hes turned the corner...I dont think so....Im not convinced.
  9. More talent than Tiger..Interesting?....One word comes to mind when I think of Phil..INCONSISTANT....he wins the Deustche Bank and then he will probably get cut in his next 3 tournements....Is there any doubt Tiger will win the Fed Ex Cup?....Yes Phil beat Tiger last week head to head (about time too) but would you bet the house THIS week if it comes down to Tiger or Phil for the whole thing?
  10. Cmon...man how are you going to put the Broncos in there before you put THE DALLAS COWBOYS....thats who's going to win the Superbowl....Tony Romo for president! Terrell Owens for Vice!
  11. Can Phil Mickelson really be compared to Tiger Woods?..Every time Phil wins a tournement he is instantly put in the same catagory as Tiger Woods. I agree Phil is a very good golfer but I think he, just like everyone else pales in comparison to Tiger. Phil mails in a few tournaments every year where Tiger is always top 10 or even top 5. Phil goes and comes but Tiger is ALWAYS a threat in every tournement he plays in. And record wise Tiger crushes Phil in every aspect. I just think Tiger has that extra IT factor that Phil just doesnt have and never will. Whats your view?
  12. Tiger Woods- A modern day Babe Ruth...And we are lucky enough to be witnessing it. Vijay Singh-Hard Work gets results Tiger Woods- Clutch like no one else ever...EVER. Tiger Woods-Mentally on a higher plane than anyone else.
  13. I think Phil comes off a little fake...I mean rolling down the hill with your little daughter while the camaras are rolling...Awwwww.i just think its things like that which make him come off like hes doing it to look like a good ol guy.
  14. What's even funnier is the fact that whenever Tiger loses or doesnt play well and Phil wins, all of a sudden Phil is in Tigers league and becomes a threat to Tiger....That's downright laughable..Phil is going to have to do a lot more than change his swing to contend with Tiger over any length of time....
  15. i think its a whole lot about nothing....What happens when Phil loses very bad in the next few outings..Then what will they say about his swing..
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