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  • Posts

    • I wish I could play a round with you guys and get some pointers or feedback. The points brought up are awesome and I'm just on page 2 of the thread as a bad golfer who never keeps score out of frustration, (I'll start then abandon it once I blow up a hole) if I can drive effectively in the fairway, there's less chance the hole will go bad. No guarantee but less of a chance for people new to golf (I've played badly for many years) I'd say practice that tee shot and work on the rest at the course. Bad tee shot and there is no chance I'm going to have a successful hole Hit thousands of chips in the yard and pretty much no correlation to better chipping during the game. In fact, I'm getting worse with practice I think. So will now play once a week but little actual practice
    • Not particularly. Just an enjoyable golf match and fun to watch a tour pro swing a club and hit the ball compared to an amateur. 🙂 Some little things here and there I picked up from Richie but will be obvious to others (like you) Continuing the theme of being old and grumpy, I like this style of YouTube golf much more than Good Good etc
    • I saw this the other day. Pretty cool stuff. I just hope it isn’t over done with too much info on the tv screen. Sometimes it’s nice to just watch the shot being hit. I watched a bit of the NHL playoffs and there was way too much info on the screen and the second commentator in soccer analyzing everything in detail during the match drives me crazy. But maybe I’m just becoming an old grumpy guy
    • Wordle 1,111 3/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟨⬜🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩  
    • Day 194: July 4th Putting through 50 mm gates. Tried a few dry swings but elbow pain shut that down.
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