Lol man im 23, i knew exactly what you meant, i was just playing around.
Yeah there are def some drug addict's out there that will do some messed up things to get their drugs, i dont think anyone will deny that. But people do messed up thing's for many reasons, what about money, or religion? I think your forgeting, this thread is about herb, not crack, cocain, heroin, or meth, it's about a plant. You say visit a parent that lost someone to a car accident because of a someone driving high. What about all the people you see eating cheeseburgers driving down the freeway, or people talking/texting on their cell phone, both of those impare your judgment to. When do you stop blaming the substance and start blaming the person, do blame smith and wesson because they make guns? I doubt it, infact id be willing to be you probably have a gun yourself, talk to some parents who have lost their kid because the kid found there parents gun and and shot themselves... Effecting the citizen's and our country? Im assuming your the average American Joe that has this entitled opinion that you are better then everyone else in the world because you are an American. What about other countries that have been effected by our imperialistic ideaology? 90% of the casualties in Iraq are civillians, how do you think they have been effected by us?
I bet you would be surprised to know that it was infact our government who invented crack? The CIA to be specific. Marijuana was made ileagle for a couple reason's, one because they wanted to deport African American's, Chinese Americans, And Mexican Americans back to their Native lands during the great depression. The other was because mariuana/hemp can be used for hundreds of different things, anything from clothes, to building homes, to medicine. The prescription drug companies and oil companies new they couldnt put a pattent on a natural plant at the time, so they created the most ridiculous scheme ever, reefermadness.
If you dont believe me look into the prescription drug known as Marinol, it is chemically the same THC. If marijuana had no medicinal benefits then why would drug companies create a drug that has the same exact molecular structure as THC?