I know the Liverpool fans love Kenny but I don't see him as being the 'saviour' you need. For the last 5 or 6 seasons Liverpool have been beating the big teams and losing to the smaller ones. Their problem has been scraping to a barely acceptable finish. My wife is a Liverpool fan and I've been giving her the same message for years:
Firstly, you need to decide where you want to be competing. If the answer is for the Premier League title and therefore a genuine top 3 club then you need a proven top manager: Mourinho, Scolari, Wenger (although he's won nothing for 6 years), Ferguson etc and you need to demand success and not give too much time. You also need to focus on the title you want to win, e.g. The Premier League and forget the rest (even the Champions League) - yes it will need investment but Benitez invested plenty.
I don't believe Kenny will bring the regular success that the fans want so desparately.