Hi, Thx for the encouragement...Taylormade fortunately has no pull on me... I had a brief week visit with a Taylormade R580 driver back in 2006. It had a stiff shaft, and I couldn't swing fast enough to use that properly so I immediately flipped it to my cousin who is a stronger swinger, and I picked up a clearout Hogan Big Ben driver with the regular aldila shaft.
The Hogan has worked pretty good for the past 4 years, but I've been hankering to move up to a 460 driver for more forgiveness, and always wanted to get a g5.
The only clubs in my bag that were purchased new are my Ping Eye3+ irons. I was fitted for them back in 2002 (Blue dot +1/2 inch shaft length), and have gamed them ever since.
I Love ping, The first ping club I ever had was my ping zing putter, my brother gave me that one in 1998 as a present for being groomsman at his wedding. It's been a constant in my bag for most of the years since.
All the rest of my clubs, I pick up used, often buying something that looks like a good deal, trying it, and if it doesn't make the cut on my main roster, I tend to send it across the road to my buddies farm team. (I like that manager thing, been doing it for 15 years... LOL)
He's a thrifty guy, and loves the castaways from my bag for the right price.
I had a chuckle last time we played: In his bag were my former: Callaway Steelhead 3 wood, and 5 wood, a 12 degree cobra driver that had a shaft that was too soft to work for me, and my former Odyssy Mallet putter..
In his garage is my old Callaway Steelhead III 12 degree driver, he got that one when I moved up to the Hogan.
I first tried a soft faced putter in 2006 when I worked in vancouver and played on greens significantly faster than the ones I used to play locally. I picked it out of the bargain bin for 30 bux and ended up selling it to a buddy for 20 at the end of the season.
I was having a rough time with my Zing last year, and found a great deal on a used Ping Craz-e (Blue lines) for 50.00, and have used it for the past season.
I picked up my ping 56 and 60 mb wedge from a guy on a different golf site for a good price (80.00 for both).
The final piece of my puzzle was to get a driver, 3 wood and 2h or 5w. I found all three this winter for 240.00.
Sorry for the ramble, but I just wanted to share that you can game the big brands for a reasonable price, if you are patient, and are willing to play the models that are one or 2 lines behind the current one.
My total cost for my driver, 3 w, 2h, and 2 additional wedges and the craz-e was: ~370.00
The irons were approx. 900.00 new back in 2002, but I knew that they were an investment that would give me enjoyment for many years.
I probably have spent an additional couple of hundred over the past 10 years, when you factor in the difference between what I purchased used, and what I recovered from my buddy with the farm team, and other sales.
I really wonder why so many guys have to buy the latest and greatest at full retail, only to turn around and dump it within 6 months... Not that I'm complaining, it keeps the supply up in used clubs for the frugal golfers like me... LOL.