Thanks for participating in advance.
I have a weak grip been playing that way for a few years. Don't have to motivation to change this golf season, anyway this is what I want to know
When I play a strong grip I get a lot more yards on each shot, maybe 15 yards+ but the accuracy isn't there so I decided to stay with my fade. Anyway my real question is this. How do the players on tour who cut the ball compete? Obviously from my small sample, "ME", I just don't see how these players could afford to lose yards like that and still compete with the guys who can do both. The fade/cut shot seem like you lose atleast 10% of the total distance of the shot if you were to put that much energy into a shot that went straight or even drew.
One last thing, JB Holmes who is one of the longest in the business plays a big fat nasty cut. If he redirected all that energy into a straight shot or fade could he even be longer?