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Kobey last won the day on December 27 2011

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About Kobey

  • Birthday 11/30/1962

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    Castorland, NY

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  1. Kobey


  2. It's not that you care about golf, it's that you want everyone else to feel the same as you do. You can't stand it if someone wants to play just for fun. People with attitudes like yours are what suck the fun out of it for the rest of us. And I take back my apology. I only wrote it to try and soothe some hurt feelings because some people seem to lack basic reading comprehension. Maybe I will take your advice this time and see if I can find a place without such an elitist attitude.
  3. I apologize for being so defensive. I was a little tired and grumpy last night. I guess I shouldn't have put the as a beginner part in. I only did that because I wanted to get recommendations on what a good club for a beginner would be, not what would be good for an experienced golfer. I tried to word my question so that I could narrow down the answers and not waste anyone's time. There is a big difference between the way I play and the way a serious golfer plays. Sometimes I think that a lot of people only play golf to get better at playing golf. I do it because I enjoy getting out and playing and meeting people. I like getting better, but only to a point. If it starts becoming work, it takes some of the fun out of it. I already have a job, I don't want golf to become another one. So even though a lot of advice I get is sound and would make me a better golfer, please don't take offence if I decide to only pick the easy things and leave the rest to the people that want to get all they can out of their game. If I ever have to make myself practice or go to a course instead of just wanting to, it will be time for me to find another hobby, because that means I will have lost track of why I started in the first place. I never want to be part of the frustrated, club throwing, temper tantrum throwing crowd.
  4. What advice was that again? To get rid of clubs that I clearly stated I didn't want to? To make sure that everybody understands exactly what my question is? The fact is, I thanked people for their input and never said anything to those that gave me more than I wanted. The only reason I responded to Sean is that I agreed with him about the reason I gave for keeping the chipper not being a very sound one, so I clarified. And why SHOULD I get rid of my chipper? Because most people don't like them? So I can be like everybody else? So I can become the best 48 year old golfer the world has ever seen? I know it isn't the best option for a space in my bag, but I don't care, I like it and it has sentimental value. I tried to be very specific in my question to avoid just this sort of discussion.
  5. I have no idea what I did to set you off, unless it was something I said in another thread. Just about everyone else seemed to understand what I was asking and I got some very good advice. Your advice was good too, it just didn't happen to be what I was looking for at the time. Next time I will try to anticipate how you want me to word my questions.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sean_miller So go with a 56. You asked what we'd do if starting over as a beginner. That's the advice I provided. If you find more use for a chipper than a LW, then use the chipper. I appreciated the advice. The more info you give the more I learn. You just missed a bit of my question. The full question was: Quote: The iron sets I am looking at typically have a 44-45* PW and a 49-50* AW/GW. I will only have room for one more wedge so what would be the best loft to fill it in? Looking back, if you were a beginner, which one wedge would you add as a third one? I know I'm not doing things the way they should be done to best improve my game. That's why I tried to word my post so that it wouldn't be another general question on what clubs I should have. I don't have a handicap or compete for money so I can afford to be a little goofy with my club choices.
  7. I wasn't being completely honest. I also keep the chipper because I actually enjoy using it. I didn't mention that part because I didn't want this to turn into a big discussion about how if I learn to use the other clubs properly they can do everything a chipper can. If I ever get more serious I will consider leaving it at home but for now it is a fun club and I use it a lot more than say, my 6 iron. I use it whenever I am within about 10 feet of the green. That's why I am looking for the best all around club to hit shots between that and the 50* AW.
  8. You could make something up in Excel and print it on heavy stock paper. That way you could have everything you want on it and easily change it later to add more or get rid of what you don't like. That Scorecard software does look pretty nice though. Looks like it would be a lot easier than carrying a little book around.
  9. Lesson one Domenic: You don't need to use that kind of language towards someone just because you disagree with what they say. If you want to earn respect on here you need to learn not to get angry. You would be surprised how much support you would get if you posted in a polite manner.
  10. That's the nice thing about this forum. People don't get banned just for being young and ignorant, or in my case old and ignorant. He is only 12 or 13 so we give him a break. Remember how excited you were when you got the golfing bug? Now picture yourself as a teenager with the same excitement. Who knows, in 10 years he might be a forum leader on here, if he has time between PGA tour events.
  11. Seems like a lot of people have trouble with hybrids. I am one of them. Yet I see a lot of people and manufacturers recommend them because they are supposed to be easier to hit than irons. I gave up on mine before I joined this forum and learned about things like hands forward and hitting down on the ball. I was always trying to hit them like a driver and don't think I ever hit a good shot with one. Now it is too late. I have been scared away from them and won't even try one now even though it was my fault I couldn't hit them and not the clubs.
  12. Almost a hole in one.
  13. Yeah, but at least I'll get to play a longer course than I normally do. I've never played one over 7,000 yards before.
  14. There is a resort downstate from me that has a PGA course and with some of the deals they have I plan on going there when I get a bit better. When I do, I might just play from the tips to see what my score would be compared to pros. But I would only do it if I was there on a day when no one was waiting behind me and I was playing alone.
  15. OK, let's hear it. Who got golf related items for Christmas that they didn't pick out for themselves or specifically ask for? I got a pack of brush tees, a Burner towel, a Burner glove and a golf cooler. For someone that doesn't know a thing about golf, she did pretty well.
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