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    Leonard, TX

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  • Plays: Lefty

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  1. CoryMartin


  2. Just sat out there and tried to hook it. After trying enough, I did it. Then I turned it down a litte and poof. Little draw, rather straight. Sometime habits kicks in and I get a BIG fade (baby slice). But I just tried over and over trying to do something different. Can't do same thing and expect a different result, ya know?
  3. I don't know where to put this and I was just wanting to vent/inquire from the great minds of The Sand Trap. This past week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday has been the Regional Meet a two day tournament with two rounds of 18 holes each. I had a practice couple holes on the first day (Tuesday). Now for the past month I have really been off the wall in and of scores. I began the season with a few low 80's on tough courses and two 70's. Then this past month I have shot a low 100 score, a 90, an 80 and one 77. I played about one week ago thats about it and shot a low 80 and threw in some work on the range and stuff occasionally. We get here and the practice holes went pretty well a couple pars, a double and a birdie. We Wednesday I shot a 109. Hitting 3 FIR and only 2 GIR. Today I shot a 114. HItting 2 FIR and a whopping 0 GIR. I don't know what has happened. I know its probably a mental thing but I am so distraught over it. I mean, I had a shot at MVP of school golf (coach said all I had to do was beat a team mate here and its "mine"). But I didn't. Then I feel like a bust being the #1 seed and finishing dead last in group rankings today. The golf course wasn't great and a little longer than normal but nothing bad. Turtleback greens on the back nine, OB everywhere on the front nine. Now this was my last two rounds of the year for me being a senior. Today was my last wrong for a whopping 114. I have 0 pars, 3 bogeys, 9 doubles, 4 triples, 1 four and 1 five. I finished my last round of golf as a Senior high school golfer without a single par. I want to just put the clubs up and say "to hell with it all" and just go and put them away and enjoy my rest of school without a single golf ball struck. Yet I don't want to be a quitter, I just feel discouraged anywhere near the topic of golf. What to do? Should I just go get lessons and keep trucking. Or what? Im confused and ah.
  4. CoryMartin

    Now a fan

    Hunter Mahan! Graduated from a High School close to where I live. He is playing GREAT golf this year! Even got T12 at the Masters. I really look up to him as a golfer!
  5. I definitely will try this out today when I'm hitting some balls. I don't know if I do the little pause at the top? But I know that since I have really really really slowed down my backswing that it helps me to set up and get better contact. It may be something I am doing anyways with the slower backswing, but I will try the pause thing!
  6. Thanks for the advice and for the video! Ya'll are a great help!
  7. Are the hybrid really that good? I have thought about getting one, the only one we have is a pawn shop 3 hybrid that is pretty nice just haven't really used it "much".
  8. I was curious out there I know most people have one or two comfort clubs that they just feel the most secure about in a bad situation or a go to situation. I was curious what some of ya'lls comfort clubs were. For me its: 56* 8iron 7 wood More on the 56* wedge. It is something I hit everyday for hours a day at the house from 5ft to 100yards. Aimed at the barn, the dog, the cows, the trees, the shed, even some pieces of plywood set out. I feel when I have it in my hands that I will get it within a reasonable distance to the hole. My stepdad gave it to me when he got a new 60* and I haven't sat it down yet!
  9. Driver (teed): 255-265 3 Wood (teed): 225-235 7 Wood (teed & ground): 220 .. 205 3 Iron (teed & ground): 215-225 .. 200 4 Iron: 185-190 5 Iron: 170-175 6 Iron: 160-165 7 Iron: 150-155 8 Iron: 140-145 9 Iron: 135 PW: 125 56*: 0 - 100
  10. Girlfriend plays golf. Freshman on the golf team! She is one of the better ones, yet she still shoots 120+ for the most part. She moves pretty quick when playing with me though. Like to practice with her its fun and she enjoys the challenge.
  11. 1. How many people play a 79/145 golf course regularly? 2. If I have never shot par should I call myself a scratch golfer? Even if its a harder course? I have always figured golf is about beating par. Par is 72 or 71 or something. Not beating the slope and rating index or whatever it is called. I mean of course they will have throw in a quite a few 73, 74, 75, but those will be more or less bad days. When I talk to people who don't know "much golf" and talk about scratch golf they assume they are par golfers or below. Not above par. I feel like a 0 handicap while still shooting 73's and 75's quite a bit is a little false. Thats just my take though.
  12. I kinda agree with the idea that shot that are shaped with either large or small curves looks super cool and nice to the eye. Also easier to visualize and I think to perform. I don't think that you really NEED 9 different shot shapes, but at least a fade, draw, and varying degrees of those.
  13. I really don't see any more majors? I don't know why but I mean. Just one major doesn't account for an automatic (at least one or more). I see quite a few wins, and plenty of tops 10's. Just not sure about any more majors. The competition is getting tougher and tighter near the top!.
  14. Was a 375 slight downhill HUGE dogleg right. I normally take a 3 iron with a draw. Hit it OB. Hit a decent drive the next time and was left with 120 (roll from downhill). Hit a normal 9 iron. Hit the green, bounced once into the hole. For PAR! :(
  15. I just realized I don't normally clean a ball when its on a putting surface. I mean when I mark it I just put it in my pocket until time to replace it. Little story quickly: I was in a tournament a couple weeks ago and it was SUPER wet and muddy. Well I hit the ball into the right side woods due to hitting a limb :O and then preceded to hit it out of the mess. Well when I hit it, I hit it like a bunker shot and took a lot of mud with it. Well the ball landed competely covered in mud (couldn't see the white). I hit the ball hard and it hit near the green and it literally stuck on the side of a hill. Craziest thing so far. But yeah, I just use my shirt if I do.
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