I like what Chris Carter said that he loves his mom, she tried her best, but there are some things that she did wrong. Im not trying to go :offtopic: here and I tend to always go racial but hear me out.
In the African American community most men are raised by their mothers. (I bring up race beacuse AP is black, Im black, and so is most of the NFL) We are told early and often "what momma says goes" or "Im the mother you're the child." As long as I can remember it was drilled into me do not question my mother. If you're bought up getting spankings or whoopins you think it's normal. As weird as it may sound my mom would whoop me with a switch and 2 mins later clean me up and tell me she was only doing it out of love. Or my favorite one was "Im whooping you now so the police wont have the chance to do so later." I dont know AP but Im 98% sure he thinks he's doing his duties as a dad by disciplining, but he went too damn far.
Sorry for rambling but Im gald CC said what he did, moms are wrong sometimes. Maybe this will start a much needed conversation about the subject not just in the black community but everywhere.