My goals for 08 are simple, Scratch golf. I am currently a 7 handicap and as long as I do not get caught up in distance but focus more on accuracy and clean crisp ball striking I should get there easy, I putt well and my short game is very solid, Where I lack consistancy is approach to greens, I will be at about 165 out and just try to hammer a 6 iron home when I should be hitting a 5 smooth, But no I have to hit a 6 cuz some stoopid macho thing about golf says I need too, sheesh I bet that one thing has caused more problems than any thing else in golf, But if I can stay cool and hit the right club then I am very comfortable with what I am doing and my accuracy is good enough, ( I understand I am gonna miss, just my misses aint that bad, I have learned to accept them ) Any ways, I believe I can get down to scratch this year, I have land and have set up great practice area and can just sit on my front porch drink beer and stroke wedges up to 8 irons all day, My thought is screw the driving range, Pounding drivers all day will get you know wheres, Practice hitting flags, AND READ DAVE PELZ