I understand that Phil makes more money than almost all of us put together on this forum but. I run a small family practice in a small town and I employ 7 people . I do not make a half a percent of what Phils makes. so I would imagine that he has at least 10 - 15 full time people working for him , if not more.. He is a business. On top of the 39.6% federal taxes and the over 13% state income tax he does have to pay workers comp insurance premiums, FICA for his employes, retirement and now has to pay additional taxes for Obamacare. I do believe that he pays close to 63% of his income in taxes. The only thing he can control is the amount of state taxes he pays by moving to a low tax state . Also he might reduce his workier comp insurance depending on the state he moved to. So I do not blame him for trying to do something about it. Be realistic, if we were in his shoes wouldn't we do the same. I know this is not the forum for it but why do we punish success in this country?