perhaps where you're from, self worth doesn't have to do with celebrity but that's not the case in New York.
secondly, if i wanted to read about celebrity musicians, i would buy rolling stone, GQ, Details or any one of the thousands of magazines that deal with this kind of crap.
i read golf digest because i want to learn about GOLF, not hear about Justin Timberlake or Francis Ford Coppolla or Cameron Diaz, etc. etc. etc.
Why was Justin Timberlake picked to play in that match? Why was Tony Romo? They're both sponsored by J. Lindeberg and they're both big name celebrities, right? Uggh, basketball doesn't do this kind of crap to bring people into that game do they? They don't put one of the Backstreet Boys on the cover of SLAM do they? I don't get why Golf has to sell its soul to the devil in order to bring in new players.
I started playing golf this year, for the first time, at 23 and i certainly didn't do it because of seeing some celebrity on a golf magazine and btw, if i don't represent the "youth" generation, then nobody does.
If you want to bring people into the game, then give them a chance to see it, experience it. Most of the time, golf is way to expensive for people to get involved in so putting Justin Timberlake on a cover of golf digest and defending that with, "it will bring young people into the game" is absolutely retarded.