Coming from downtown [post code 60604] Harborside is probably the best overall bet.
Just played it last weekend.
Not sure about club rentals at any of the suggested places.
Another suggestion Marovitz. only 9 holes.
I have heard pace of play may be slow at times, but is close by
Nearby driving range
Two possible suggestions by Metra train, without a car this may be an idea.
18 hole Donald Ross classic
9 hole course, first course ever built in Chicago area.
Last suggestions if you are near the airport
White Pines, Oak Meadows, Maple Meadows.
Here's a good taxi service for getting around the suburbs or to and from the airport from the suburbs.
Getting to some of the fine courses in the outlying areas may be difficult with out a car or quite expensive by cab.
Feel free to PM me, If I have a day off, I'll show you around, maybe catch a round with you if you are interested.