I just read every single posted and had a really good laugh. This really is a ridiculous thread, but I had to add my $0.02.
The last 2 posts are spot on. Promoting growth and development is what our country is all about. If we didn't live in a capitalist market we would not have any of the cool golf items we have today. Let alone all the other cool things in life. Remember that a portion of these proceeds go to sponsoring various orgnaizations and sporting events. Usually these companies will donate time, clubs, money to programs like the first tee. Golf is a game that gives back to the community at each and every tour stop and that makes me proud to be a golfer. If my hat displays my liking of the game then so be it. How many times have you seen pro baseball, football, basketball teams donate millions to charities at each event? Also, dont forget that your purchase of that Authentic pro baseball, basketball,... piece of gear goes to help pay these ridiculous salaries.
The last point is that someones mother, father, family member depends on that "logo" purchase to put food on the table.
How much are the Jayhawks paying you to list them as your location?