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About ZachIsLegend

  • Birthday 07/30/1988

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  • Your Location
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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  • Index: 8
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. ZachIsLegend


  2. Roughly 60 yards out.. 52* wedge in my hand.. Game plan: 75% swing, pinch the ball tight, land it slightly long with backspin.. (in practice i feel like i can do this 95/100 times).. However, on the course the % is never that high!.. I either: a) skull it 15 yards long or b) hit behind the ball causing a chunk I think it's all in my head at this point!
  3. My favorite Mark Crossfield sayings: "Let's get stuck in" "Alright, now let's give this one another wallop!!"
  4. I was wondering if anyone has watching much of Mark Crossfield's youtube videos? And if you have, what do you think of his reviews/instructions?
  5. "Does your husband play golf too?" After someone leave a putt short.
  6. Malachi --- Word substitute for Mulligan.
  7. I use it.. I find it beneficial on straighter putts. I don't have to worry about anything but speed.
  8. I don't think i have ever shanked a lay up shot.. and if i thought i might then i would never lay up.. If someone has this issue they may want to practice a heck of a lot more!
  9. Congrats on your first birdie! Practice, practice, practice, and you will get another one before you know it.
  10. Long generic Tees, 1 dozen Titleist Pro V1x balls, new brush, Nike golf towel... Wanted a new putter... But nothing made me fall in love.
  11. haha, my bad.. I was just assuming.. And assume makes an ass out of u and me.. :) I think you got what was important out of my post though. I have ordered and IT is legit.
  12. And laying down will cause you far less triples and doubles!! It will also cause you shorter putts if your 100 yard game is on!
  13. Cipher stated the truth "You can get better, you need to start practicing correctly." Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. And if you're not getting better then there is obviously a reason for it. I don't believe I would be spending any more money with an instructor who isn't making me better. I mean, why would you? The whole reason for getting "professional" help was to get better, correct? Find a new pro, devote more time to perfect practice, and you will see your scores slowly dropping!
  14. I use the baseball grip.. I know for most it's far to "wristy" but interlocking pulls too hard as i transition downward.. The overlap feels completely unnatural to me as well. I have tried to switch far to many times to count.. For me, the baseball grip feels good and i'm able to use both my hands/wrists in unison.
  15. The real question is.. Why would you not tee off? There is no reason to wait, is there?
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