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About nkjordan2323

  • Birthday 11/30/1984

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  1. So I started off this season really improving my game. It is the first league i have ever been in so the consistency of playing each week has really helped me focus on my game and work to improve. Before i post on here, I always try to read old posts and search for similar issues. I have found some help, mainly from this thread: http://thesandtrap.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5906 However, I am still trying to figure out exactly what it is that causes me to close my clubhead. Is it mainly the grip? I always make sure that the club in is being held by the fingertips and not the palm. Should i just stop wasting time at the range and get a lesson? Any help would be appreciated. I was planning on hitting the range today at lunch to work on some things before my match this afternoon. I just really need to figure this out. I keep changing things and its only making me worse. Now I feel like i dont even have a consistent swing regardless if the one I had before was right or wrong. The mental game is killing me now as you can see!
  2. I will have to check it again, but i am pretty sure it was the grafalloy blue. I am pretty sure I have the swing speed too so I dont think that is the issue. The last thing I will mention is I did purchase on EBAY and never actually measured the length. Could the length of a a driver make a difference? Say cutting an inch off or two? I am only 5'8".
  3. So I play in a league every Wednesday and have been going to the range atleast once a week to practice. My swing has been pretty good for the most part (for me), but one thing that is constantly messed up is my drive. I have slowed my swing down a lot because I feel like my club is behind on me or flexes too much. Most of the time I either hook the ball or the club stubs the ground and gives me a nasty shot. Out of 9 holes, I probably drive one stright. I am using a Taylormade R7 Quad 10.5 degree loft. It has a grafalloy blue shaft on it. From what I have read, the blue is a stiff flex. However, I tried the same exact club my partner owns with s stiff taylormade shaft and the difference was so noticeable. The club didnt "wobble" at all on a hard swing and I crushed the ball using it both times off of the tee. Is the grafalloy blue shaft really a stiff flex? Or does stiff flex mean something different for every shaft? In other words, is one stiff flex shaft "stiffer" than another flex? I want to go get a new shaft, but wanted to make sure I am on the right path.
  4. Well...it seems I have somewhat fixed this issue. However, it wasn't the most comfortable adjustment and I am guessing it probably isnt the best way to fix the issue either. I tried tightening my grib with my right hand while keeping the grip in my left somewhat loose. I also payed more attention to the angle of my backswing so it is more straight back and straight forward. I feel like this is incorrect, but i had some nice iron shots the other day doing this. I guess I will keep working on it until I get some more consistency. Thanks to everyone for their input along the way.
  5. Wow! Thanks for the idea. I will definitely take the opportunity to try this out tonight at the range. It sounds quite possible that my grip could be affecting my swing. At this point, I am willing to try anything! Thank you again for your input. Its nice to know I am not alone with this issue. I'll let you know what happened later on tonight when I finally get a chance to test this thought. Thanks again.
  6. Yes, I tried swinging slower and paying attention to the head and at the point of contact, the head is closing. When I open the head a little and over-compensate for the closing of the head when addressing my stance and such, the shot works out okay. However, there has been times where this has come to bite me in in the butt and the club head doesnt close causing me to hit the ball to the right completely away from the target. Maybe my question should be this: When addressing my stance and position of my hands when I am standing infront of the ball, should my hands be offset and located infront of the inner part of my left thigh (right handed)? Or should be they be directly centered to my body? My grip on the club is fairly loose and I consistently check my grip with the molded club at the range. The position of my hands would most likely affect the direction of my back swing and the angle I am approaching the ball at right? Sorry for rambling on and on...just wanted to get to the range today with some ideas. Thanks for all the help.
  7. It is almost always from straight to left. I honestly just don't know what to do to fix this. I have spent many dollars at the range, but nothing seems to consistently fix the problem and the things that do fix it are doing so are bad ideas. I'd rather correct the problem the right way and figure out whats going on.
  8. I want to try and post a video of my swing eventually, but for the time being, I was looking to get some suggestions on why i may be hooking with my irons. With a driver, I hit it straight nearly every time with a slight draw (not much at all though). When I grab an iron though, I feel like i never get a clean shot, and if by some chance I do, it hooks pretty bad. My first assumption was maybe I was turning my wrists causing the club head to turn inwards towards my body. I tried opening the head a little prior to my swing just to see if this would help. I dont like overcompensating because its not really fixing the problem. Another thing i might mention is I can swing a pitching wedge and hit the ball straight as well. It seems to only be affecting my 3-8 irons. Could my swing really be changing with only these clubs? Or is it my stance and distance from the ball that is affecting me? I have also read that the angle at which the swing is brought back over the head makes a big difference. I am really just looking for a list of suggestions that I can take with me to the range to try out. Eventually I will try to get a video of me swinging so you guys can see whats really happening. Thanks in advance.
  9. I am a senior college student working the the automotive industry as a coop mechanical engineer. I have just started getting into the sport about 2 years ago and joined a league this year. I am very excited to start focusing on a new game that I am not so good at. I played 3 sports pretty well in high school so it is nice to find another challenge out there. I know I will be on here asking questions all of the time cause this sport is like none other and can be very difficult to figure out when things aren't going right. I look forward to discussing golf on here.
  10. Im a Michigander...so I don't have the luxery of playing all year round, but when I do get a chance to play, I like to come here. http://www.linksofnovi.com/index.html
  11. Its hard to compare these two when I have only lived through the Tiger era. Equipment is different as well as the competition. I can only say that from what Tiger has done and at the age he has accomplished all of this, you can only expect him to surpass everything Jack has done. The guy is just phenomenal. My guess is if you talk to someone who has been through both eras, you might get something different from them.
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