so heres the deal, ive decided to piss my $600 stimulus check away on a new set of
irons. ive hit and tested numerous irons over the past 2 months and the ones that feel the best to me, and seem to fit my style of play are the new
08 big bertha's
, and
x-20 tours
im still gonna have to come out of pocket a few dollars for either set which i dont mind, but my question is... is either set "better" or will it hold more value over the other? as of right now im 75% sure im gonna go with the BB's cause they feel just slightly more forgiving and i get no play in the shaft once i make contact.
any opinion, or has anybody tried or played both? im aware that the majority of you guys/girls are gonna say "its your game, get what feels best" but im just looking for somebody else opinion and feedback.
thanks in advance