My girls Golf coach for High School. Today was our meeting, because I made the team, and so the team was there and he was just explaining rules, practices, etc. Then he called me out in front of everyone and said "Well, Anneliese wouldn't be able to play on an 18 hole course." I was like "What, bitch you don't know me." And yet, I really didn't say that, I just shrugged, and went on. I really wanted to say that though. And then, I was sitting inbetween two girls on a couch, Killeen, and Katelyn. He goes, "You guys can't miss practice, because we need like Killeen and Katelyn on the team." I was sitting right inbetween them, and he had the nerve to not say my name. How rude is that? Wow, that really makes a kid want to play golf, knowing that you don't need them on the team. He just gets on my nerve so bad, and then he goes "Yes, well our 15 player" (then he was about to say my name while he pointed at me.) Instead he called on one of our best players, and made a joke out of it, because everyone knew she wouldn't be the worst on the team, and yet before he decided to do that, he was looking at me, and pointed at me, and he was about to say my name, but then he switched because he didn't want to "embarres" me, not like he hasn't the whole god damn day already.
He only cares about the good players, and he was saying to the worse half of the team how we wouldn't be playing in a lot of matches, and how we would probably get lucky if we even played 2.
What the hell? What kind of coach does this? He's so ****ing annoying, and I can just tell that these days that I thought would be the greatest, are going to be the worst.
I don't know what to do, my parents refuse to let me quit the team. I honestly don't know what to do, if I keep dealing with this, i'm just going to freaking flip out someday, I just know it..
Sorry, I was just venting.
Anyone know what I should do?