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  • Birthday 11/30/1972

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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. I took a class with John as well @ Webster in Roc hester. I'm in Syracuse, but he was worth the 90 minute drive. One of the better investments I've ever made in my game.
  2. I do that off the tee. I aim for something on the horizon. A tree, or building or cloud. Seems to keep my driver more online. I don't see why it wouldn't work for iron shots too, eh?
  3. Hmmm, well...I learned more in 15 minutes about ball flight laws in my first trackman lesson than in the last 10 years trying to figure things out on my own. They were worth it - to me. Anyway, I can't wait for the book to arrive. I like numbers and analytics. Should be good - (again, for me).
  4. For less than the price of a dozen golf balls, you are telling me this book contains info that will lower my scores? I've spent hundreds of dollars on irons I've spent hundreds of dollars on a driver I've spent hundreds of dollars on a putter I've spent hundreds of dollars on an Aimpoint class I've spent hundreds of dollars on Trackman lessons etc, etc... Seems like quite a deal to me. I ordered the book.
  5. I don't think I can express my disappointment/frustration/rage that the Giants have given up pretty much 40 points a game, oh every game for the last 7 or 8 weeks...horrible horrible defense. I know they have many injuries, the starting MLB, and the entire secondary all year, but....come on...ugh!!!!
  6. I'm 300lbs+ and used to take the cart every time for the last oh...10 yrs. Last year made the decision to start walking. I know how you feel. After 9 I thought I'd die. Swing went to hell after 9, back was tight. I was strong from lifting weights since college, but had no cardio....Now, I only walk. I use a push cart and have no problems walking 18. It took me almost 6 months to work up to feeling comfortable walking a full 18. Really was quite eye-opening. It made me realize how out of shape I really was not being able to walk 18 holes. Do it for yourself, walk....get a good Clicgear 2.0 or SunMountain cart, and walk every time. You'll see a world of difference in your golf game when you get the stamina...walking your yardages will help with your accuracy, walking to the green gives you early reads on the break of your putts, etc...and a world of difference in your health too.
  7. Perhaps, and this is a shot in the dark as you said the gripping was done quite a while ago, there may be something in the bottom of your golf bag? Do you have a bag with club dividers? Maybe there is somehting in the bottom of the bag in the slot where your 7 iron sits? Worth a shot to look in there before you start hacking grips off...
  8. I have only good experiences with them. I have returned a pair of footjoys to them with no problems, full refund the day they received the item back. I have e-mailed them and spoken to someone there as well. To bad about the clubs you got. I would give them the opportunity to make it right.
  9. Personally, I would try it at standard and not tip it. If it doesn't play stiff enough for you then perhaps tip it. That's a mighty expensive shaft to go cutting. Won't cost much $$ or time to pull it, tip it, and put it back in if it's not playing stiff enough for you. FWIW the white is pretty stout, you may not need to tip it at all.
  10. Golf and Golf Digest "club tests" are glorified commercials for the manufacturers. Try clubs yourself or ask for opinions here for those who have tried them. Thats what I do.
  11. Erik, I looked at the site, and screenshots....this looks promising for identifying some weaknesses. A few things: If I download the 5 round trial, and subsequently purchase Scorecard, can those entries be saved? Also, can you currently enter 9 hole rounds, or is that in the upcoming 2.0 upgrade? Thanks!
  12. I found taking a step back to a smaller head makes it much easier to work the ball. I have both a Titleist 905s and 983e, both do not have the heel weighting most clubs have today, so fading a ball is easier, which seems rather difficult with the larger 460cc heads that have alot of heel weight to help people keep it left, as most better players have no problem moving the ball left or, in my case, way left.
  13. If it's the stock 49 gram wet noodle TM puts in the Burner, pass on both. Try to find an upgraded shaft. I'd try as many as needed before you purchase, and pick the one you hit best. Buying a club w/o hitting it is like buying a car w/o driving it.
  14. They are driveway markers, made of fiberglass, virtually unbreakable, and like Crafty said, available at Lowe's or Home Depot, for about $2 a piece. PS Go to the section with the mailboxes...they are right there.
  15. I play PingEye2's. Played them for 15 years, then decided to play blades, or blade type irons. In the past few years went through MP33's, TM Rac Forged TP's, Cally X-Forged, and then... went and put the Ping's back in the bag. I'm a decent ball striker - my hdcp is roughly a 5. I do keep a set of Titleist blades to practice with, and have the ole trusty Titleist 983E to use on the range. These keep me hitting the sweetspot of my clubs, or conditions me to try, anyways. I guess I just got tired of being penalized for mishits on the course. Nothing feels better then a purely stuck blade, but when it's off just a bit, I'd rather be able to score well, and the more game improvement irons affords me that luxury.
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