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About AveoBigandTall

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  1. Thank you - the forum has been good to me
  2. Thank you - I needed that!!!! LOL
  3. She surprised me with a Garmin approach S3 GPS watch for my bday this past friday All I can say is I LOVE THAT WATCH - i was skeptical at first bc i didnt realize they gave more than just front middle and back - this watch give layup distances dogleg distance and will even let you add you own watchouts to each hole. keeping score is even easy - Anyone else play with this watch How does it compare to the others on the market
  4. My last trip was in preparation for my recent Orlando golf trip I visited Academy sports and purchased new addidas cleats a new towel 3 boxes of Pro V1's I was covered on clothes since I had my Aveo big and tall wear ready to roll
  5. First we want to say Thank you from Aveo - because of members on this site we have been mentioned on several other popular golfing sites - many times the sand trap was mentioned by name - so again for a new company that means the world Second I am excited to announce that starting in mid March we will offer additional waist sizes as well as 30" and 36" inseam in our pants Third - We have just secured a second large retail distribution deal so will be available at a new retail outlet - I cant quite announce it yet but i will be able to in the next few weeks We are so excited and thank you all so much In the meantime make sure to visit www.golfsmith.com to give us a try
  6. Has anyone played this course? It was gorgeous and in good enough shape (considering i played it almost 2 weeks ago in florida in the midst of a HORRIBLY cold snap) Please someone tell me that this course also kicked their butt I normally shoot in the mid 80's and here shot a 98 (now it was freezing low to mid 50's and it was my first time on the course) but man did i get beat down
  7. All. I love the feedback and excited that much of what you are speaking to my company, Aveo, is working on currently. The big and tall apparel space is in need of attention and innovation and we plan to deliver just that. I can easily keep each of you up to speed on our developmenys if you would visit out fb page www.facebook.com/aveogolf and at the top near about us and images you can join our mailing list.
  8. in the hole all I can say is hold on because its coming. I promise
  9. love this. Thank you for the feedback
  10. http://www.golfchannel.com/news/equipment-insider/aveos-comfy-stylish-solution-big-and-tall-golfers/[quote name="neophyte" url="/t/71634/big-and-tall-golfers-i-need-your-help#post_932268"]1. Allow retailers to special order my sizes if they are carrying your line. 2. I only buy slacks that last. I wear my slacks once a week and have to wash them weekly because of my work - shop teacher. Slacks that are expensive but can only be washed a couple of times before the colors fade and holes develop on the bottom edge of the cuff will not get my return business. 3. Plus, I won't buy slacks If they are not stain resistant or if I have to Iron them. 4. Reinforce the waist so the larger sizes don't roll over the belt. Don't make the belt loops oversize for 2+ inch belts. 5. Make sure your sizes are consistent. I shouldn't have to try each pair of slacks on, to see if they fit. 6. Don't just modify your 32 inch waist line patterns for men with 40+ inch waists. I can't bend over without castrating myself in most slacks. Make new crotch patterns. Too many large waist slacks also expect men to have skinny thighs. [/quote] Thanks for the in depth feedback. Im happy to let you know that Aveo shorts and pants will answer most of your concerns. We make it a big point to speak to the fact that you cannot just expand waist sizes and still get a good fit. We have designed out pants and shorts to better fit the big and tall man proportions. Speaking honestly we do not offer stain resistant butwe are always looking for new ideas. We offer limited sizes currently but we are about to kick off a new production run which will include larger sizes. Check us out at www.aveogolf.com or our facebook page www.facebook.com\aveogolf. Also check out our reviews right here on the sand trap or the golf channel.
  11. Are there anythings you believe the retailer can do to help with this issue. What can they do that would make you feel more comfortable that they get your needs
  12. My company Aveo is working with Golfsmith in order to help the big and tall apparel category: better serve the big and tall guys. I would love any input that you have regarding the way A retailer can make you aware or talk to you about big and tall golf apparel What are the problems you experience when shopping for big and tall apparel both in store and online What would encourage you to increase your purchases Any and all throughs are appreciated Thanks and as FYI Golfsmith is listening to us so if you have thoughts that may help please share bc at the end of the day if they can better get us what we need we ultimately soon with better options. One idea I am taking back is as big and tall golfers we often have had such bad fitting experiences in store that we dont trust ordering on line. Jump in let me know what you think!
  13. All i can say is you are a good man and I am jealous!!!!!
  14. Without question i suffer from this but for me its not always the back 9 - sometimes i play well on front and horrible on back or the opposite I very rarely can put together an entire 18 holes of good golf I wish there was a pill i could take
  15. For me that kind of distance came pretty naturally - I can hit my 3 wood 270 carry and can push 300 yds (with roll) with it (NOT WITH CONSISTENCY and not with a reliable enough flight path) most of the time i tee off with my 3 wood - and carry 230-250 with some reliability. My driver which i rarely hit i can carry over 300 (i may hit my driver 10 times a year - i actually took it out of my bag and carry two 3 woods and 1 5 wood) Also keep in mind I am 6'4" and about 285 - but the key for me is my wingspan and therefore my leverage when swinging a club - i am pretty tall but my arms are longer than normal for a 6'4" guy - as example in dress shirts i wear a 39" sleeve length - so makes for a pretty long swing even at 3/4. But a long swing leaves alot of room for error (and i leave the face open more than my fair share) so that kind of speed (117 driver speed) with an open face equates to a pretty wicked slice if i am not careful So can i carry 270 - yes pretty easily but do i is the question and the answer is on most courses i dont have to - im approx a 15 or so handicap so even with my length i dont push it and go for many par 5's in two so most of the time dont need much more than 250 off the tee.
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