as far as getting in the best shape and preparing before ever showing up to the course, basic supplementation. I've been powerlifting for the past 3 years, and there's a few staple supplements that i feel are helpful as far as aiding recovery and helping muscle growth/fat loss. there's sooo many supplements that are nothing but hype, so i've found it's best to go with the main supplements that are proven to be effective.
right now i'm taking:
- 120-180g of whey protein based on intensity of my lifts that day
- BCAA's every day (not sure on mg count, it's different day to day based on level of activity)
- Multivitamin
- Fish Oil when particularly sore
- ZMA at night to aid in sleeping, still not sure how i feel about this supplement
- creatine, not currently on it but have used it in the past, it's not the steroid-esque demon ppl perceive it to be, it just helps the body retain more water weight and hydrates your muscles more effectively
this is just based off my observations, but these have been the most effective for me. if i had to chose 2 to simplify i'd go with protein and a good multivitamin.
also like others have said, hydrating is important to all fitness goals (muscle gain, fat loss, athletic performance, endurance)