Even going to a traditional college without a PGM program would be a better idea than going to a for-profit. Get a part time job at a golf course while attending school, work your way up during the time you're in school and you'll have your 4-year degree and a bunch of experience working in golf. Besides, you don't need any sort of degree to wash carts and clean clubs or press buttons on a register and fold shirts.
If you're not of "college age," really think about what you're getting yourself into. $40k+ debt (tuition + living expenses) to start at the bottom all over again? If you don't have to take out any FAFSA loans and are able to afford it outright, fine (I guess) but know that you're emptying your wallet into the pocket of the wealthy shareholders at the top. They're laughing all the way to the bank. What will you get out of it? Probably some things you didn't know about before, but you could easily learn by working at it on your own, being proactive and networking. If you've worked in another industry, or have had another career before, you probably know the value of networking. Do it on your own(for free), don't pay $40k for that.
Ask around, there are plenty of guys like myself that never went to college for golf that are working in golf courses. And girls.... if you have half a decent golf game, you definitely don't want to go to one of these for-profit circus shows. You can probably just walk in and get hired.