I did not say that you could not learn slowly. I said if you train slowly you increase the learning curve. See my original post, 80.
You know much more about the mechanics of the stroke (golf, swimming, pitching, kicking, etc.) than I do. But, you do not know the science of learning, the science of instruction and the laws of human movement learning.
I asked the human movement earning scientist to write something for you folks. It took awhile, but here is the introduction to a website which will plug his sports training academy of the future. It's mostly about WHAT will result from his training methodology. For proprietary reasons, there is not much on HOW the training will be done.
Best wishes to all. You'll have fun with this...
Golf, baseball, softball, tennis, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, hockey, field hockey, cricket, table tennis, jai alai, darts, track and field, swimming….etc.
If you are an athlete, parent, coach, administrator---or anyone responsible for the success of a sports team or organization---what you will find here could easily be the
most important information
you will ever encounter in your sports-related life.
Because here is where you will discover
the most exciting new development in the history of sports training
Here it is:
There is a new way to train athletes that is
better than anything that has
ever been possible before.
By better, we mean
much more effective and in significantly less time
That means you can make more progress in your sport than what you ever could before.
Not only will you get
than was
before possible, but you will also get there
in far less time
than traditional methods take…for less progress.
The days of suffering at the much lower levels that
traditional methods have always left athletes floundering
at---those days are over.
How is this possible?
Well, unbeknownst to the general public, a quiet, but very intensive, university-level research program has been going on for the past couple of decades, specifically to determine
scientific laws
governing human movement learning
This research
has been very successful
and the laws responsible for
the body actually learns movement have finally been clearly established.
Not only has this research determined how the body learns movement in general, but it is
now known, specifically, how the body learns sports skills
This research has also determined EXACTLY how sports skills MUST be taught if the objective is to reach the
highest levels of skill humanly possible
And, not surprisingly, these methods
are nothing like
the ways skills are taught in sports now.
No, this is not a fitness program. Not even close. Nor is it about strength or speed…or whatever else is being “taught” in sports today.
This is all about on-field, in-competition
skill perfection
: the pitching, the hits, the swings, the putts, the serves, the strokes, the kicks and so on.
The hits, shots, serves, putts, kicks, pitches, throws, spikes, passes and catches that actually win games, matches, tournaments, titles, medals and world championships…...
And the key defensive skills as well.
Whatever your sport, if there is a ball used in it, we will train you to be as good as you can possibly be at that sport and all the major skills that sport requires.
Because we offer the best ballistics skills training on the planet, by far.
And that is just the beginning of what we can do for you. In any sport we teach.
What is the most important thing in sports?
Answer: It is
maximal control of your body
. Being able to make your body do what you want, whenever you want. And
to have control over your bat, your racquet, your club and therefore,
your ball….
Our training provides the perfection of
robot-like control
in your sport's skills.
Nothing is more
important to winning than accuracy in, and repeatability
sports skills. They are what operationally-define control. Making the ball go wherever you want it to go whenever you want is the very definition of skill.
And, NOTHING is harder to develop. OR teach.
Control is the most important thing in sports, but it is far and away the hardest thing to learn, and the hardest thing to generate in an athlete.
Unless you're us
We have totally nailed how to perfect accuracy. And how to teach you to be
accurate all the time
And guess what? We can
improve your velocity
to greater heights, as well.
(How hard are great accuracy and repeatability to learn? Just watch any
pitcher. Even he throws a lot of bad pitches. Every game. Or watch
golfers, tennis players, and so forth. And that's the pros!)
Yes, traditional coaches know a lot about the mechanics of their sports, but they know much less about how to “make them happen” and stick.
Mechanics are only one factor in producing high accuracy and the ability to maintain that level of accuracy throughout entire competitive events.
Much less, entire careers...
Working on mechanics along with lots of practice will improve performance, we all agree on that. All instructors do that, and some do it really well.
We do that, too.
But those traditional approaches are nowhere near good enough to improve an athlete’s performance to the
really high levels
control of the body and control of the ball
, that they can
get to if REAL INSTRUCTION---using the science of human movement learning---is applied.
Practicing the right things, the right way, supplied with the right opportunity and feedback, and given the highest degrees of task difficulty, all tied to the athlete’s ability to succeed, in an ever-progressive program,
produces relentless progress towards increasingly-refined skill
None of these things is done properly in traditional instruction.
Because coaches know very little about the science of learning, the science of instruction and the science of human movement learning, in particular. No knowledge is
more important in training athletes
than those sciences.
The athlete
must have
of these things for optimal progress.
best instruction
will produce the most body control, the most accuracy, the most velocity and the highest ability to produce these actions at will.
That translates to the highest, competitive performance levels.
For the athlete's entire career.
And there is only one place to get all these things
The future of sports training is here now.
Here's what this all
It is now possible to train until
you reach the
of your personal potential.
Not the 'peak' of where traditional methods will leave you. Because ALL traditional training will ALWAYS leave you well BELOW the peak of your potential.
That is because
traditional methods are missing the key requirements for physical skill optimization. And that, in turn, is because all other instructors in the world, through no fault of their own, are unaware of the laws of human movement learning. So they don't know how to appropriately apply them for sports skill acquisition.
So, even if you have the most famous or credentialed coach in the world, you will only have second-best training. And more importantly, you will never attain your true peak performance in your sport.
Instead, you will only reach the level that your genetics, your coach's second-best instruction and your practice and play---all of these combined---has left you with.
If you're lucky, that level could help you make the team, or get a college scholarship, be a pro or even a world record holder.
Yes, it could even make you the best athlete ever at your sport.
And, if so, good for you.
But here's what it won’t make you: Anywhere near
as good as you could really be
And what if the most common outcome of traditional training happens instead? What if your regular practice and your traditional coaching are all you ever get? Will you still make the team, get a scholarship or be a pro?
Very doubtful.
99.9% of all athletes fail to make it to the level they aspire to.
Think about this: What if you have the genetic potential, but do not use the coaching that could have taken you to these higher levels of competition?
It's a pity, but that is exactly what is happening to
all of the athletes in the world
right now. Odds are, even if you do have good enough genetics, your current training path will not take you anywhere near where you actually could be, if instead, you did what we have our athletes do.
The ONLY way you can be as good as possible is to use training based on how the body REALLY learns athletic skill.
And there is only one place in the world you can go to get that training.
That is here, with us.
We not only know what to do,
we wrote the book on the subject
"How to be a Pro in any Sport
Using the New Science of Human Movement Learning to Reach Peak Athletic Skill"
(In fact we have written more than one…..)
By the way, even if you are
the greatest who ever lived
in your sport, you are still not as good as you can be. You would be like everyone else we train: You would just be a beginner to us.
You would start higher in the program, because we do not re-teach what you already know. But you would still just be
beginning your new path
to even greater heights.
Much greater.
For example, in martial arts, a black belt is just the beginning for serious athletes….
HOW does the body really learn physical skill?
What methods do we use to get the athlete to the peak of his or her actual genetic ability?
We will tell you everything you need to know
when we meet with you to discuss your or your athlete's situation and goals. In a relaxing, informative, confidential, and no-obligation, but FREE initial evaluation.
When you have this information, you will know then and there that we not only know the laws governing human movement learning, and that no other method is as good, but you will also be as certain as we are that the outcome we project for the athlete will be achieved.
We don't care what sport, skill level, age, gender, or national origin your athlete is, by the way. We also don't care if the training is for competitive athletes or weekend warriors.
If you show up, you will learn. You will get much better at your sport. Period.
We are the only instructors on Earth who can
say with honesty that we can get athletes to the peak of their genetic ability
, no matter how high that is.
And that level is
well beyond what any other coach or method
could even approach. Anyone, anywhere.
if you're a coach that wants to be the best instructor possible, we can train you also, of course
"Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence."
Carl Sagan
Don't believe us? Too good to be true?
We don't blame you for wondering.
But we don't mind healthy skepticism at all.
In fact, we think you should make us prove what we say.
So we invite you to contact us as a first step in evaluating our veracity, our honesty, our truthfulness.
And our ability to produce more athletic progress than you could ever have imagined achieving.
We will be happy to prove that we are right, and that you or your athletes will make the progress we say he or she will.
And, you'll know how we will achieve that progress before we begin our program, because we'll explain how the body learns sports skill and
how you must train
if you want to be swept away in an unending current of athletic progress.
Your Custom Training Program
We have many services and programs available, but everything we do is customized for just you. No two programs are alike, because that would not allow you to advance at your own natural ability to make progress.
You will never be constrained from making all the progress of which you are uniquely capable.
You will fly as fast and as high as your capacity for improvement permits.
And the
pricing is customized
as well, based on your objectives, your program, and your ability to pay.
In fact,
might be available for you…
But this may be
the most important fact of all
are probably the only people you'll ever meet who
care about your progress even more than you do
Honestly and sincerely care.
That means that we are likely to be more motivated to help you succeed than even you are.
So we will never waver in our effort to generate your progress, even during your worst biorhythms.
Our Sport
You see, training athletes is OUR SPORT
. It is what we compete at. And we are the best in the world at it and we plan to stay on top forever.
And as much
as you want to win in competition, we want you to win even more
than that, because that means we are winning at our sport.
The sport of being the best instructors on Earth.
Just as you will do anything to be a champion, we will do anything possible to make you one
Because when you win, we win. And your winning is very likely to make us even happier than it makes you. Honestly and sincerely.
We will never let anyone else be better instructors than we are
No one. Nowhere.
And when you meet us, you'll have no doubt about any of this.
Just like your progress.
Which is also guaranteed!
If you're one of the few who won't be convinced, in spite of how right we are, don't use us.
Just keep doing what you are doing. We wish you the best of luck.
(We hope you'll be back when whatever you're trying bottoms out…..)
if you want to know
what the most advanced scientific understanding of physical skill acquisition ever-formulated is based on, and
what is possible for you
, given this discovery,
you should get in touch
we love
how this works, and
what we can do for you