First of all, I love the sign in your avatar pic. There's a sign similar ( tho not nearly as funny ) at a golf course here because they have a housing development directly along one of the par 5's. Haven't broken any windows, but have left some balls in yards for the kids to play with.
On S & T, I too was frustrated with it for quite a long time and can feel your pain. A few things that have helped me:
- truly tilting my upper body towards the target on the backswing ( keeping centered BUT tilting my body to the left in the back swing ) to help with this I have a drill at do at home, work or wherever I feel like it. I get into an address position, then stand up, then tilt left, then turn my shoulders and hips. I do this 10 times and then do a backswing as 1 motion 10 times. It has helped immensely.
- the back swing does not need to be John Daly style. I used to swing like this and it gave me the power I had. I could see the clubhead on my backswing out of my left eye with every club. Start by taking the arms to parralell to the ground, no further and swinging.
- as I swing I "feel" as though I am slowly moving forward from the moment I begin my backswing.
- the spring board/butt tuck which it sounds like you already have down. I use the crush the can drill as my feel for this. I keep moving forward and drive myself through that left leg.
- practice making some easy half shots taking the arms to parallel on the back swing and tossing them straight towards the target, extended on the follow through and stopping there. This is a popular S & T drill ( the arm extension part anyway )
I've struggled with S & T and am still far from great at it. It has however lead me to better ball striking, better control of the curve of the ball and I shot my best course ever on one of the hardest courses locally using the swing, yet doing it imperfectly.