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  1. THException


  2. Today someone told me the Dechambeau fired his caddie during his run towards the US Am win...is that true?
  3. I know you're new to golf, but are you also new to logical argumentation? You can take that position (i.e. that Elk's joke "was about Sam being gay") but your have to form a logical argument to back it up. The only reason I'm keeping on this is because a few of you guys have made matter-of-fact claims about Elkington without employing any textual, empirical, observational, etc. evidence. These claims are unfair and harmful. How do you know the joke was a gay joke? Did you talk to Steve Elkington? Were you there when Steve wrote it? Again, is there something I am not considering (that you are considering) that makes this tweet offensive to homosexuals? Because right now there is no evidence to support the idea that Elkington's tweet was a jab at homosexuals. Ok, I'm done. To the adversaries: read some [more] philosophy. How 'bout Lingmerth though, huh?
  4. I believe Elk when he says he was making fun of ESPN's incessant coverage of Sam.
  5. I believe the purpose of those tweets was to be funny. I believe he was trying to be funny, in all three situations. Joke 1: Scot's drink a lot. Joke 2: I'm actually not even sure where the punchline is in this tweet, it's really just a bad joke from a writing standpoint. Still, despite my best efforts, I cannot isolate a single piece of that tweet that is offensive to the homosexual community. (I heard on Rosaforte's report that Elkington claims he was making a joke about how much ESPN was covering Michael Sam. This actually sounds like a plausible explanation to me. In fact, I've heard this joke before. People make the same joke for Tiger, LeBron, and Brady...its like: hahaha, look how much ESPN sucks up to ________, so much so that we now know what he ate for breakfast, wears for underwear, or e.g. how many times LeBron dribbles the basketball per second.) Joke 3: Stephanie, you are short and have small boobs. Probably the funniest of Elk's jokes, although the humor is cheap and Seinfeld certainly wouldn't put it in his set. Alright, you're right he's not well liked to begin with so it might be wise for him to just abstain from tweeting to avoid all confusion. But, when we look at his comments from an objective standpoint it is illogical (and unfair) to conclude that Elk is : A) apathetic towards death by heli crash, B) a homo-phobe or bigot, or C) a sexist or "heightist" ;).
  6. Quick internet search shows that the Wei tweet was a cheap joke, slightly sexual. And he described her as short, yes. Really not offensive at all, IMO, just PG-13/R rated. Please tell me how you believe the Sam tweet to be offensive. Maybe I'm not considering something...
  7. True. These things definitely get to anyone and everyone. But what shocks me more so is that there is a possibility that the Hurley family lacked the ability to help/save Billy II . I mean, you don't just make a living on the PGA Tour because you are talented (especially if you are Billy Hurley III). In my experiences, those of us who reach the pinnacles of our pursuits are those of us who live healthy, virtuous lives. Lives which are enriched or reinforced by healthy and virtuous family members/supporters. You just don't expect to hear that a PGA Tour Pro's father shot himself in the head.....especially after the collective effort to help find him weeks earlier. Well, I've said enough. All I really need to say is wow and sorry.
  8. Am I the only one who thinks that Elkington is not a bad guy? The two tweets I read did not offend me. Rosaforte reported that Elkington was unaware of the death toll in Scotland. Secondly, how exactly is the Michael Sam tweet offensive? Don't think it is at all...
  9. Horrible. Sorry for the Hurley family. It's amazing that this happened despite of all of Billy III's success. Consider the money he makes, the connections he has.
  10. Ya...it probably follows the logic that if they were forged, Titleist would make that fact well known.
  11. Anyone know if Titleist DCI 762, 762B, or 822OS's are forged? Don't think they are, but wanted to see if anyone knew for sure off the top of their head. Thanks if you know.
  12. Ya, and the apex (not pro). You may also be happy with the Nike Pro Combo,
  13. I like Titleist CB's too but I think at 10.6 you'd be better off with something else. Those are pretty pure. If you are gaming Callaway and are enjoying them, why not stick with Callaway? Apex forged irons are getting a lot of love...
  14. I'd probably go for an old 3 iron. like 1980's old
  15. If I were you I'd go get a stock X driver (used taylormade or something) and see how it goes after a few rounds and range sessions. Don't think you can make good judgments from an in-store monitor. I would try making smaller and more defined equipment changes until you find your stuff. Of course, the more money and resources you have allow you to try a bunch of changes quicker.
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