Thanks for all your input so far -- it is much appreciated. UTTexas you are correct that I tend to pull the ball, especially my irons. Often enough I hit it pretty straight but I can't confirm how I am aligned. I used to golf a few years ago a couple times a week and learned to hit the ball with the swing I have relatively well. I am starting to get it into again right now. My eye opener was watching a PGA Tournament in person. The ball flight and trajectory is a world apart. My sand wedge, for example, is extremely high. I would guess 10+ stories but that is probably an exaggeration haha. The consistency is lacking and I feel
all over the place
especially with my driver.
You bring the club under a good backswing plane (especially with the driver). The club head goes behind your hands too quickly/ too early.
You then lift up, left arm bends, club goes across the line and down, then over the top move.
1. When should the club go behind the hands?
2. If I shorten my back swing, would that help eliminate some of these issues? It does appear to me as well that I am swinging past parallel at the top which is really overkill.
Work on your posture first. Tuck that tailbone in at address, suck in your abs, and let your head hang down naturally.
1. Could you elaborate on what you mean by tucking in my tail bone?
You lose connection almost immediately. At the top the hands are high and the arms are off the body. From there it looks like you don't have enough lateral movement. The combination of high hands/disconnection plus a turn to start the downswing is a bad combo. It throws everything over plane.
You should try and keep the pressure points in your armpits intact (tee drill would fix that). You can't exactly see the lateral movement, or lack thereof, from the DTL view, but it looks pretty apparent to me. I would do the stop and go drill where you are working on pressing the left foot into the ground to get the hips to start moving left. That should get the hips moving better and help with synchronizing everything.
EDIT* Shoulder turn is a little flat as well.
1. This is the drill where you have a towel under your armpit and it does not fall off throughout the swing, correct?
2. High hands meaning that they should be back further behind my head, correct?
3. With lateral movement, do you mean that the hips slide forward during the downswing? Further do you mean my head should move backwards during my back swing?
4. Could you elaborate by what is meant by a flat shoulder turn? Am I leaning too far forward?
edit: I'll try and get some front facing footage, thanks for the suggestion.