Stewart has always been my favorite golfer for many reasons; he played at Georgia Tech where my grades wasn't good enough to get into and I had to go into another engineering school, he is a fellow Georgian, he shares the same faith that I do and I believe him to be an all-around good family man, citizen, and supports his community etc....without no need for recognition.
Anyway last week after hearing about something he did in the community I thought I would write him a letter and tell him how much I, and I thought maybe the public, felt about his contributions and forgot all about the letter. Then a week later (today) I received this in the mail with the contents (in the photo) in the mail. He could have just tossed the letter in the trash but in return he signed and sent this to me. I thought that was pretty cool. A lot of professional sports athletes wouldn't take the time to do this but I thought it says a lot about him and his beliefs and the way he feels about his fans.